I am so sad that we aren’t helping. So many people are experiencing unimaginable suffering and we won’t help because... we’re scared? It’s disgusting.
I am so sad that we aren’t helping. So many people are experiencing unimaginable suffering and we won’t help because... we’re scared? It’s disgusting.
Good for you for staying in government. My boyfriend works for DoD and he’s thinking about leaving - he says he can’t bear to see Trump’s stupid portrait on the wall with other US presidents. I don’t blame him and until I read this comment feed I didn’t question it, but maybe we should rethink this. People with common…
Mm, so if you were a doctor and you heard someone say things like “Cheeseburgers are healthy!” and “Sniffing glue will make you live longer!” you’d probably freak out a little. People who work in the federal government know how it operates, what the various agencies missions are, etc. Many of us in Washington are…
Exactly. I work at an environmental research institute in DC and we are code red because we read what Trump says he will do, and based on our years of research and study we infer very real and serious threats.
I’m not going to click on that link because I’m at work but I assume it’s a fake news site (although how I WISH that it were real).
Climate change. You should have voted because climate change.
So here’s what I’ve been struggling with. I work at an environmental research institute, and nobody here could fathom that the nation would elect someone with such a radically anti-environment agenda. If Trump does what he say he will do, we are deeply fucked. There are serious social and economic ramifications to his…
Also, how likely is it really that any of this stuff will be taken from us? Wouldn’t it take a pretty long time to reverse Roe vs. Wade? And then if that happens is it left to the states to decide? How does all of this work? I need a smart person to explain.
Hey - can everyone enlighten me? Are we really fearing that we won’t have access to birth control, or is the fear that we won’t have access to abortion so we need the most fool-proof birth control we can get?
Ah... Brendan O’Connor. I remember his inflammatory, thinly veiled sexist bullshit from Gawker. I thought he went away when Gawker went under. Ugh.
Aside from donating to environmental nonprofits, I say write your senator and house rep. Make your voice heard, especially if they are Republican. They all know what a time bomb this is, but many aren’t taking action because they have been lobbied into silence or they are too sheepish to admit that they were wrong.
I wondered the same thing! Somebody enlighten us.
Imma take a Xanax and repeat your comment over and over in my head
STARRED because that is hilarious
IDK guys. I kinda like Tomato Troll. His/her presence on Kinja is familiar and comforting now. It just... feels right.
I’m starting to really love his/her comments. This was an especially good one. “Is your head being squished by a vice or something?” A+
Also where the fuck is your starbucks because I want to move there
Agree w/ The Otters, this needs way, way more stars.
I’m sorry, I hate this. But you do you!
So many crotch shots! Jesus!