
A real tale of Asgard film could be great.

Trump could nominate the corpse of Hitler to his team, and congress wouldn’t even bat an eye. These guys are corrupt as all hell.

It’s a fantastic sequence. Love the Hulk / Thor so much. It’s everything I wanted in a Marvel film.

If you don’t have anything nice to say...

Affleck’s probably leaving the role, especially after the reviews and box office. Only question is who his replacement is. I doubt Gyllenhaal is interested.

Lego Batman was a cartoon too. That same sort of happening in live-action could have backfired really hard. Even Ragnarok wasn’t that “cartoony” for example.

Thor also had some really good action scenes too.

If anything this should silence DC / WB from doing team-up from the future. Just focus on solo characters. Tackling too many characters at this point is not a great idea. I have some faith in the Aquaman film.

Yeah there are some impressive fight scenes, inbetween all those jokes. I quite enjoyed it in that regard.

John Wick is good and all, but damn do I love Edge of Tomorrow. Now there’s a movie I can watch again and again everytime it’s on, just like the films constantly repeats itself. I get more out of it each time. That’s the mark of a very good film for me. Thumbs up!

Personally I quite like the world-building in Wick 2, but then again I tend to have a preference for that sort of thing, so that may have played a role in my opinion.

It’s one of my favorite action scenes in recent years, just so well done, and Thor: Ragnarok’s proved to me that it was no fluke either. The MCU can put out some great action scenes.

Tweeden just accepted the apology. Now the GOP can drag this shit out anytime their campaigner great. It’s up to the senate to see what happens with Franken though.

Oh, still 2018 is looking excellent. So much for this “democrats don’t vote in off election year” myth.

Congrats on your right prediction. 2018 is looking good for democrats.

“I was always the more dignified horrible president”.

Hopefully he gets sick and throws-up in the process.

It’s dead. Bury it!

Well you had to reply much later and after the stories came out, but yeah that makes sense.

It’s not really that odd though. Ripoffs / takeoffs of classic property have existed since the beginning of time, and continue to happen, especially in Foreign markets and even the west. Just look at those asylum mockbusters, those things are always made to capitalize on a current film.