
Edge of Tomorrow is the only English manga adaptation I can think of, that actually works. The problem is, is that while these adaptations could do okay, they usually get the worse people involved with them. This sounds better, but I have confidence it’ll be that good either.

“Jake Sully, you da man” - FARTS!!!

Live-action adaptations don’t tend to work period. Japans made plenty of supbar ones too.

There will never be another person like him. RIP!!!

I gotta give them credit for doing this after Ghost In The Shell tanked. That takes some real guts. Movie’s gonna be a disaster BTW, live-action anime adaptations just don’t really work.

Avatar hasn’t really been featured that much in terms of public exposure in the past several years, so I’m not surprised. I’m sure Cameron has something new up his sleeve too.

That and there may be a super annoying comic relief alien character too. “Oh hay hay it’s Jake Sully”.

It’ll probably break records in China.

Steven Seagal thinks nothing, because Steven Seagal is awesome. Now excuse me where’s my doughnut?

“On Deadly Belushi Donut Ground!”

Not everything is fun, so they say. Prepares to make Seagal joke, which falls flat on his own face.

Seagal should just be left alone to be buddies buddies with Putin. They are both POS anyway.

The AV Club published this article too, they aren’t entirely guilt-free. At least that’s what I’m assuming.

Yeah. That and it was an outside studio producing it, as has been mentioned already.

Well yeah you could say that about anyone and prediction.

It is, but Trump believes he’s above the law, so it doesn’t matter.

Both were awful, and would have done the same shit bad shit. I’d prefer Doug Jones easily, but he’s not gonna win, cause it’s Alabama.

And they’ve been successful so far. Not in Alabama though.

It’s Alabama, you shouldn’t be surprised.

“Why the fuck are we still listening to Steven Seagal?”