“It isn’t about power. It isn’t about money. It’s about improving people’s lives”.
“It isn’t about power. It isn’t about money. It’s about improving people’s lives”.
Illinois is an exception (their economy is shit too), and their Republican governor is a typical crazy, who’s at war with the democratic majority. Hardly as bad as typical run Republican state IMO.
Depp bites the dust in the first thirty minutes. “You’re not gonna make it out alive. Go on without me Hercule”.
Oh I definitely agree things can get. If dems can somehow retake the house in 2018, there may be hope after all. Just maybe.
Michigan isn’t necessarily turning red, it’s just under Republican gerrymanding control, even if it did vote for Trump.
He also cared about his country. Something the Republicans don’t.
Oh it is. Republicans are absolute a-holes.
The south and mid-west are basically the same at this point.
Oh. I think they were just having fun. It’s a comic-booky film after all.
They know, they don’t care. Most of them just want to stick it to “liberals”, because they can.
Looks fun
Sadly with the GOP in power, they’ll try to stop progress as much as they can. Ugh!
He’s not wearing it this time though.
It’s a great mustache though.
And Republicans want none of those to change. They’re the real enemies in all of this. Ever since the tea-party can roaring in, they’ve gotten rid of the last few of the moderates, and have wanted them to all be far-right crazies. It’s sad.
I think we can survive. It just depends on what the GOP does next. The south needs to be stopped though. They’re a disease that unfortunately has a majority hold on the electoral college.
I thought it was a pretty great film the first time I saw it when I was younger, and I’d hardly call it predictable.
Sounds like it’s a good time.
Well Kingsmen was set in the U.K., so it’s not really American, other then the villains and it’s a place we see.
Probably not, but you can never tell.