
This tool is 3+ years old

This worked for me in the sense that it added the gestures, but it also killed the “reduce transparency" option I had selected. And now that function no longer works on my OS... Help?

But Stannis doesn't actually kill Gendry, right? Did I miss something?

Am I the only one who pictured this but with more hipsters?

You are right; I was wrong. I hope Apple, Jonathan Ive, Mark Newson, Tim Cook, Woz, the ghost of Steve Jobs, and all current, former and future employees of 1 Infinite Loop can accept my humblest apologies.

I think that's quite a leap of logic, my friend! I'm pretty sure all that it implies is that I think he does not have any talent ("no-talent"), and produces dull work ("hack"). But I'd love to know where in that phrase you saw any boasting of my skills as a designer.

And they say there are no stupid questions....

hah, my friend is owed no respect, but thanks. As for your question about Apple, I think you are misunderestimating the capability that even the best and most nimble corporations have to make incredibly stupid decisions.

I always thought Marc Newsom was a no-talent hack. Then a good friend of mine worked in a project that he was involved with, and it turns out, he's a rude and douchey no-talent hack! So that's... uh... refreshing.

Great story! But PS it's "nom de plume"

I don't know what you're talking about.

The person who quoted the FAA is correct. The Gulfstream 650 is in some circles referred to as a G6.


Not to mention the United Nations.

Are we using the term "awesomesauce" non-ironically these days?

That building IS on av. Giovanni Gronchi...

That is some misleading rabblerousing clickbait bullshit headline.

Near the building's entrance, a large silver unicorn sculpture is missing its horn

Poor Pluie.