Fancia Pantalones

You need to calm down, friend.

Um. Did I miss the part of this discussion where anyone said it was your fault? Are you so self-centered that you can’t have this conversation - about people with so much less than yourself and in need of so much more help - without making it all about you?

As a brown Muslim woman who lives in Canada and not Saudi Arabia-you can absolutely criticize religious dogma. I do. I am tired of people going “but! but! ISIS! Saudi Arabia! Bad stuff!” when I try to talk about Islamophobia. I talk about misogyny in majority Muslim countries, including Pakistan-my other home-all the

It’s the rental market. Some of the homeless are coming from other places, but not all of them.

It isn’t that she is claiming she isn’t privileged, it’s that she is refusing to acknowledge her privilege. And of course, that’s her right. She doesn’t have to behave in any way she doesn’t want to, but we have every right to point at her and say “There goes an idiot who doesn’t acknowledge the privilege she has and

Jenner is, was, and it looks like always will be shit. News at 10. (Also not surprised that super bigoted privileged man becomes bigoted privileged trans women. Not like you transition and instantly have your entire life experiences and worldview changed. Shit in, shit out.)

I understand. Plenty in the media however have given her a pass for awful shit she has said. Others have suggested if you dislike her you are transphobic. No, she’s just a total bitch and all around asshole.

Well, I think the idea is that from a religious perspective, in a way, you can’t change your (religious) beliefs, i.e. you can’t just decide what God/etc. tells you or what is written in religious texts. These things may be open to interpretation, but unlike personal or political beliefs, it’s not entirely up to you

My opinion on Caitlin Jenner is Kyle from South Park’s: I don’t like her. I didn’t like her when she was presenting as Bruce, I don’t like her now that she’s out as Caitlin, and I also don’t think she’s that good of a person. I’m judging her on her character, not her gender identity. She comes off as a completely

Caitlyn Jenner is an asshole, just as Bruce Jenner was. She changed her outside only. I have no idea why she gets a pass on her awfulness.

I feel like a lot of that shit is centered on the fact that even though she is a trans woman, she still doesn’t think that people in the LGBT community should be afforded equal rights. Her political ideals are in direct opposition of her personal identity and the community she identifies with.

Exactly. I have nothing but contempt for any trans woman who still considers herself a conservative Republican. Especially since that necessarily means she supports their anti-LGBT agenda. Yes, she’s shielded by her wealth more than 99.9% of other trans people, but what if conservative-supported laws pass requiring

Yes! That was actually the most striking thing about her comment. Completely unaware of her privilege.

Good. Discrimination is:

Thank you. Being poor is f*cking expensive. The smug naïve ‘outrage’ in these comments is very disheartening. Signed: Someone who works with poor people (many who have been homeless) and sits in the same chemically ‘air-freshened’ (because - 'stinky') Physician Assistants’ waiting rooms because most of the people who

Where the fuck does this guy think he is? Disneyland? Seriously, “I want my parents to have a great experience”? No one owes you that, you fucking special snowflake fuckhead. To use the advice of his own hipster kind, if you don’t like it, MOVE THE FUCK OUT.

There’s been a few responses to this letter but this one is my favorite (H/T Backtalk).

Looking at homeless people IS gross but I don’t see him putting forth any solutions. Luckily I actually have a plan for that problem!!!

He shouldn’t have to see it, they shouldn’t have to live it, it’s tough breaks all around.

The solution is to bring back debtors prisons and workhouses, duh.