Fancia Pantalones

Exactly what I was thinking. Personal feelings about TSwift aside, how is a woman asserting herself and taking (deserved) credit for her own accomplishments something to mock or deem “insufferable”?

But why can’t Taylor stand up for herself? I’m sure if it was one of us we would’ve done the same thing up on that stage and maybe not as nicely either.

I have a hard time on a feminist blog finding a way to be anything but Team Taylor on this one. She may have an incredibly planned public persona and is annoyingly twee (can we PLEASE retire #squadgoals forever ??), but Kanye is the literal worst.

I’m super not getting what insufferable thing Taylor Swift did here.

This is pretty judgemental. People can’t help their mental disorders. If someone is clinically depressed, they are probably considered selfish and self-centered, the same with a hypchondriac.

I’m not saying HSAs are “bad.” Cautioning you against thinking 1) you won’t need to see a doctor until you have your deductible saved up, and/or 2) Once you have your deductible saved up, you’ll never use it.

Yeah, I’m just kind of wondering where the line is for destruction of someone else’s property when they’re invading your space/irritating you. Apparently, a smartphone worth a few hundred dollars is okay. So I wonder if the next time my asshole neighbour turns on his car at 2:00 am and turns on his radio so loud that h

You don’t get to steal someone’s possessions, throw them off a roof, and break them all because you’re unhappy with something they’re doing. That’s not a thing.

You should probably figure out what pearl clutching is before you go throwing that phrase around.

He purposely took and destroyed private property. I don’t know where the hell you live, but in every jurisdiction I have ever lived, that certainly falls under things you can’t do under the criminal justice laws. Get out of here with that non-criminal shit.

No, that’s theft. What you do with them after you steal them doesn’t matter. If I steal your phone and toss it in the dumpster the cops won’t be “oh, well it’s not theft because she didn’t play Candy Crush on your phone after.”

Yeah, I get the feeling that we’re all supposed to love him as a person in addition to as an actor these days, but that’s a really douchey thing to do. Obviously taking pictures of celebrities is uncool, but being uncool isn’t justification for destroying someone’s property.

Bill wasn't a rude asshole. He committed a crime. If he doesn't want the bad side of fame then he doesn't get the benefits (like not being charged with stealing what was probably at least $1,500 worth of property).

Yeah he also beat his ex wife but who cares about that when he’s so #charming and #lolrandom.

No you don’t get to steal people’s possessions because they were rude.

Possible Unpopular Opinion: Bill Murray is not chill and not funny

Are you fucking kidding me? The Jews of Europe were doubtless wandering about in a mildly clueless state, like gee, I wonder where we are headed? Why these trains? When do I get my sandwich? Wonder what outfit they’re going to give us when we get there? Fuck off both for finding this inoffensive AND for your inability

Faux outrage? I may well be lazy and tired but you just don’t get to compare trivial shit to the Holocaust without provoking a little actual outrage. This fool needs to sit down and shut up and think.

Dude, no. Almost all of us have had the experience of being herded around with insufficient instructions. Have you ever been in a Junior High on Picture Day, for instance? Stop defending the disgusting and indefensible comparison made here.

It’s a stupid comparison and not one people should make. Same goes for rape, domestic violence, and genocide in general. I’m not condemning her or saying she should burn in the eternal fires of damnation. It doesn’t in any way deeply affect me as a human being beyond motivating me to make a comment, this one in