Fancia Pantalones

She killed my Brother in a knife fight in Saigon, back in ‘73 and on that day I swore revenge. Now, 43 years later, my opportunity is here and bitchy internet comments are my weapon of choice.

I do have confidence that once we have a nominee running against whatever freak show candidate the republicans choose, that most progressives will band together and vote for Hillary or Bernie (whomever wins).

i think the term refers to people who PUMA (party unity, my ass) for Bernie, thinking that the only way anyone else will be convinced is by hard line declarations of “Bernie, or nothing!” The problem with this prog-or-bust mentality is that it is often espoused by people who are secure enough in their day-to-day lives

That’s funny- my girlfriend and I refer to the die hard Bernie supporters as the Burn Paul Bros. It hasn’t been lost on us that they’re two sides of the same coin.

Well all you can really do is build on what you have. You have to get Congress to cooperate. Republican Congresses since Clinton have regarded every Democratic President as illegitimate, and Obama’s getting a double helping for being black. They’d likely treat either Hillary or Bernie pretty much the same way to one

Very nice of you to leave out the fact that Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richard’s daughter works for Clinton and Planned Parenthood has donate to Hillary’s in the past (sorta to Bernie’s point about being apart of the DNC establishment)...but cool story.

Maybe if his wife, Mrs. Bush, had been supervising his daughter’s science projects, she wouldn’t have tried smoking them.

Aww, man. I mean, sure. He’s evil. But at this point, don’t you feel just a little bit bad for how poorly this turned out for Jeb!? It’s gone cartoonishly bad. It’s like, Jeb! sent away to the ACME Corp. for a campaign kit & some roadrunner seed and now it’s all just anvils dropping on him.

Understandable...I keep calling his daughter Noxycontin

It’s essentially an episode of Dragnet: Special Victims Unit. A schoolgirl goes missing; her frantic parents call the cops; the cops find out she stopped off at popular local variety store just two blocks from school.

A US representative asks school girls if they’re virgins and people shake their heads. My uncle Frank does it and gets put on a register. Once again it’s one rule for for US representatives and another for the rest of us.

Word. On the statutory shizz. It seemed hot and empowering at the time — like. I was super mature and that’s why this man wanted me. I know better now.

I feel like men don’t get to have these fucking fears?

The entitlement is so ridiculous and infuriating even when it’s not scary.

This is not an “ongoing Men v. Women debate”, this is an ongoing domestic violence debate of which women are the overwhelming victims.

Yeah, and they're almost always killed by other men.

He started proclaiming his love for me in one tirade as well. I know I’m a good shag, but not *that* good.

As if those two things are mutually exclusive? Women all over the world live in fear but go on with their lives anyway.

People can react however they please on a public forum. You’re not the reaction police. Countless women have to directly or indirectly deal with fears that this will happen to them too. It’s not women vs. men. It’s REALITY ! If solidarity around this trajedy makes you uncomfortable, you should frequent a different

Yes, but that’s not really the point. Her friend was killed because of her ex boyfriend's anger towards her decision to break off the relationship. This is a fear women face while dealing with controlling significant others. It is an unfortunately reality that we have to deal with.