Fancia Pantalones

Never count on a female HR rep or a female boss. NEVER.

Thanks for these posts. What I hate is behavior correction. For example, I was working in the library with a colleague, in an area that allows conversation. As two young PhD students working on a joint presentation for a workshop we were attending, we discussed rather quietly the outline of the talk. An older man (who

I expect that many people (not just men) would react to this by saying, “men are asked to do similar menial tasks that are “traditionally masculine” so this is fair and you’re reading too much into it. It’s not really sexism.” To them:

I find your title and general tone troubling. One of the reasons antidepressant medication is still prescribed for severe depression is because of its effectiveness. Ironically, your title is guilty of the very thing you're accusing many psychiatrists and family practioners of engaging in - misleading

Leading to the next/obvious question: Who the fuck promoted this comment out of the greys? I mean, for the love of Pete, people. Exercise some fucking discretion.

If you're using terms like "PharmaCrack" you shouldn't be covering this because you're clearly got an ideological axe to grind.

Entertaining? So was Jimmy Savile.

Well, I'll be pleased to hear of any advances, but for now, I'm sticking with my daily dose of Celexa, because without it I vacillate between "permanently hangry" and "it's hard to get off the couch."

You SHOULD rant! The fact that women's bodies are so scrutinized and that we can never do ANYTHING right (too fat, too thin, too dark, too pale, too muscular, too flabby, blah blah blah) is SOMETHING TO GET ANGRY ABOUT. I respect and love your anger, I thank you for it, and I'm sorry you feel you have to apologize

Acceptable April Fool's day prank: telling your partner you're too busy to clean the bathroom, then cleaning it on the sly, so that the next time she walks into said bathroom she is shocked and surprised.

I agree. She does need help, and something I know about women with EDs, after growing up with one for more than half of my life, is that all this self-hate is often expressed towards other women, by criticizing their appearance and clothes. A lot of these girls become mean girls, as a way to try to feel better about

Word. This is basically me IRL

Well sure we can. Can she stop being on a show that polices how other people look?

My sister is currently traveling in Europe. Her travel buddies pranked her by telling her that the lights for the hostel (the shared community shower) were clap-on.

"no one will remember me 100 years from now unless I get a genocide together soon or something."
I feel like this made me laugh more than it should have.

I thought they looked that way because they've been in that basement, forced to try on leggings and bat-wing hoodies for so long that they've lost all hope that they'll ever get out to wear normal clothes again.

The sweatshop free manufacturing, and (even if it was kind of limited) body diversity in the models, lack of photoshopping, and occasional visible nip or pubic hair wasn't really the problem I had with AA. Those were like the only good things about AA. I was glad they got rid of pervy Dov, but it sounds like they just

It's fascinating watching a company imploded from the inside like this.

1) Waiters make bank. I know this because I once met a guy who was a waiter who made over 50k and only declared 30k on his taxes.