Fancia Pantalones

This man is to literature what Thomas Kinkade is to art. With the repugnant, bigoted, asshole attitude to match.

Oh, in addition to eating, he has a TV? Wow, fancy. It's 2015. Next you'll say he had a fridge and indoor lighting.

What you're calling "a government cellphone" most likely refers to phones subsidized by phone companies. The Lifeline program began with the Telecom Act of 1934 as a subsidy to local service, paid for by the high costs of long distance service. After the breakup of AT&T in 1984 (under Ronald Reagan), the costs were

Hey guess what, I'm a vet, and I served with ALL KINDS of douchebags. You must be one of those right-wingers that think we want and/or need people like you kissing our asses all the time and serenading us with Toby Keith while throwing "Support Our Troops" magnets at us. We don't. We are not that stupid and don't

I'm super confused about this. How do you know he's on welfare? And what form of welfare? Is he on food stamps? Why was your pizza place accepting food stamps? It if was food stamps, your restaurant was breaking the law. If it wasn't food stamps, it's really none of your goddamned business. And where do you like

(yes, in the Mustang...I know, shoot me, but she did her job and I alway kept her clean and maintained, as I still do now)

but people need to realize there are selfish people in the world

Tipping is one of my dealbreakers, as are animals (well, a lack of appreciation thereof), and certain intolerances. Why? Because those things are pretty obvious character flaws in most cases.

So is this just a perk of food service? If I was an auto mechanic and a customer pissed me off, could I tamper with their brakes? That's cool, right? Of if I was an X-ray technician could I just leave the machine on a leeeetle bit longer for someone I didn't like?

... so your motivation for fucking a guy over who is on welfare, which last time I checked pays out dick-all, was that he didn't give enough of that welfare money to you as a tip? Like, if he'd tipped you "well" you wouldn't have fucked with him, right?

It's so disgusting! I worked as a waitress and dealt with tons of assholes, but come on, it's gross to do that to someone and not entertaining at all. Fucking with someone's health isn't cool.

I would never mess with someone's food, and I don't particularly enjoy (or believe) stories from people who say they did, but its your blog obviously, post whatever you want. Having said that, I think spreading the misperception that if you complain about your food the kitchen or server will mess with it does more

Who the fuck are you to decide where and how this person gets to spend their "welfare money"? Do you even know why he was on assistance? Like maybe he is a vet or disabled or mentally ill - none of which is any of your self-righteous, dim-witted, shit for brains business.

Yeah. You suck. That guy very well might have sucked as well, but you sure as fuck don't get the white hat, cowboy.

Maybe he only ate one meal a day. That was what my brother did when he was cash strapped. Pizza is not very expensive and very filling.

Yeah. You're getting the hate because we're all too hysterical and hypocritical.

Tipping—or the lack thereof—was nearly a dealbreaker when my now-husband and I started dating. I'm a very generous tipper and always try to keep my eye on the check no matter who's paying to make sure the tip is adequate. I was flabbergasted on one of our first dates when I realized he had drawn a line through the tip

I'm actually not a fan of the "extremely friendly" server. I won't deduct from the tip for it, because I don't want them to be punished for my tastes, but beyond refills, answering what few questions I might have, and making sure the food comes out on a timely basis, I really don't want to interact with anyone other

I can't help but think that if this motherfucker is 61 years old , this wasn't spontaneous, and he's probably been doing it for years. I'd guess there's a treasure trove of this kind of stuff somewhere in his dwelling (I imagine a dark, slimy cave, like Gollum). Wouldn't it be good if there could be a little more