Fancia Pantalones

She's had a lot of plastic surgery to get to this stage. She's just irritating as fuck. Her voice, her comedy. I don't get the appeal. But I didn't care for Joan Rivers, either.

Honestly, I have never gotten her appeal. She's always come across to me as somebody who's kinda attractive but dying to be gorrrrgeous, kinda well-known but dying to be faaaaaamous, kinda amusing but dying to be hilaaaaarious. Basically, "a desperate and irritating compulsive over-reacher."

Ugh, I fucking hate Kathy Griffin. She's got a lot of something to call Amal Clooney annoying.

Sure, I'm the one full of righteous indignation and with reading comprehension fail. You're the one who replied directly to C.A. and mentioned "you all" but obviously I was mistaken in interpreting your comment to mean that you were responding to the actual article in question.

oh there you are. The yoga elitist. How predictable.

Are you able bodied? Do you have kitchen space? Cooking supplies? Reliable transportation to a grocery store? The people who are able to use their EBT cards for fast food belong to populations who often don't have these things. Not everyone has the same privileges as you.

Don't give me that bullshit. I've been homeless. When you've sat there wondering if you're sleeping in the car tonight or if one of your mom's friends can spare a room tonight, yeah, you know what being that destitute is like.

"First, let me say, people today love being offended. I think it's a symptom of social media and the feeling of self importance it enables." She adds, "I've had the good fortune to go to Bali multiples times and I can tell you this is exactly what you'd find there."

When I'm pogo sticking down to the orphanage with my flamethrower, I'm often stopped and asked "what label inspires your swagged out lifestyle?" I answer in kind "the welt on your face from my piece will reveal all #lulumob"

I guess perhaps I'm coming from a different angle as I'm married, so I happen to know if my husband has frigging cholera or not, and that's something I might inquire about before getting down with a new partner as I suspect you could come into contact with the same pathogens eating pussy since it's only two inches or

I've eaten ass hundreds of times.... I've eaten the ass of many, many people; too many to count, remember or name. Never once have I gotten sick from it let alone some serious bs pathogen you're afraid of. You do whatever, but eating ass is as safe as most other sex acts.

She's less horrible than some super horrible people; doesn't make it not horrible.

Also, can we aim our vitriol at the guy who scammed her, took her money, and sped off? And possibly stole the dog?

"Rayner said she panicked as she had to get to the last train to Aberdeen with her daughter, who suffers from asthma."

It's maddening. I feel like my mother: "Stand up straight! What are you wearing? You have so many other pretty dresses in your closet, why don't you wear one of those. This does nothing for you!"

Never noticed this before, but Bruce Dern and the killer cabbie from the very first episode of Sherlock look alike.

Vanilla flavored hurl that will ruin vanilla for you forever.


An additional, stupid, fucked-up thing about this is that now people will think they have justification for fearing the veil, which already others women and girls who wear it.

Oh, my fucking God...