Fancia Pantalones

People of any gender can be pedantic, though. ;)

As someone who’s spent a fair amount of time with sociopaths, I feel comfortable saying there’s probably not. The emotional landscape of people like this guy is just bleak. They have brief moments of satisfaction or fear, but mostly just crushing boredom. That’s why they do the horrible shit they do. What you’re

When I see something like this, I always try to say something to the person in your position. Part of the strategy these entitled assholes use is making you feel like everyone else agrees with their bullshit demands. We don’t. And I’m sure that guy could have found plenty of people to trade their second tier seat for

Perhaps you haven’t noticed this, but women have breasts on the front of our chests. In some women, they protrude quite a bit. The most comfortable, natural way for us to hold an object like a book in a close, two-handed grip is with our elbows out to the sides. Otherwise, our arms squish against our breasts and it’s

About how to put a PICTURE OF WORDS on your wall. That you buy from because you have execrable taste and also don’t know how to write.

Also, people really underestimate the amount of emotional blunting that happens to people in prison. It’s such a dehumanizing place and there are always people looking to prey on any perceived weakness. You have to detach as much as possible or you’ll lose your mind.

He lives in prison. Do you think it would be more or less difficult for him if he looked like a well-groomed Calvin Klein underwear model? Even assuming he wanted to, prisoners have limited access to beauty products. Perhaps you could take a look at the Maryland DOC commissary list and write to him with suggestions on

This would be an excellent solution for the lady in the story! Maybe you should write her a letter.

Apparently you’ve missed the fact that she’s not currently being abused because she’s removed herself from the situation. She feels comfortable with her solution and it has allowed her to maintain a relationship that she values. The REAL problem is that women on Jezebel, the very people who should be willing to offer

You’re getting attacked here and it’s really unfortunate. I agree with you that it’s not our job as women to make sure men behave themselves. Men are no less capable of behaving honorably than we are. You’ve posted thoughtful comments on how you handled a difficult personal situation. I could see myself making a

Let’s be clear here; the reason there are so many shitty, gross dudes is because so many dudes choose to be shitty and gross. Not to mention that it can be shocking and traumatic when a good friend’s partner makes a pass at you. You wonder if you’ve done something to send the wrong message and you worry what will

I agree; the very nature of panic means you can’t engage in rational long-term thinking. Not to mention that giving this woman a pancreas meant denying it to someone else, someone who didn’t have the chance of avoiding the transplant through successful psychotherapy. It wasn’t just a question of taking her phobia

And selling great coffee! Really, it’s not about mysogyny, it’s about ethics in coffee sales.

I know! “Why is no one trying to help us be decent people? Why haven’t we been forgiven for something that happened just a few months ago and made no real amends for?”

Yes! White men live in a world that’s created FOR them, where almost everything is easiest for them. And while they’re happy to benefit from and perpetuate that system, they don’t want to acknowledge it exists. Which makes the whole thing even more maddening for women and people of color. Not only do we have to deal

Yeah, that whole brain disorder thing really sucks. Especially when your mom, sisters and millions of their fans are jumping on the stigma bandwagon. It’s amazing how ordinary families with far fewer resources manage to stick by and get help for their kids, even after years of struggle. I guess that’s one advantage of

Also, important to note, the case does not contain all of the tweets because one of the complainants kept locking her Twitter account. That really impeded the court’s ability to get a complete record and put statements in context.

Yeah, this is pretty sloppy reporting on the part of Jezebel. If you read the actual opinion, the whole thing come across as a fight among middle schoolers. Yes, he’s a jerk. But they falsely accused him of pedophilia, attacked his family and baited him, knowing he could see what they were saying. And then, when he

That’s exactly it. It’s just like the guys who come out of the woodwork on these date rape stories, going “how was the guy supposed to know?” The bright line of decent behavior is there; they just want to blur it to absolve their own consciences.

But you don’t have to prove yourself to him, sweetie. No idea why he’s out of the greys, but he’s got a seriously skewed worldview. You can’t go out with more than one guy at a time? Dating must equal sexual activity, so every guy in your life has a “right” to know about every other guy, ever? He’s hassling you