Fancia Pantalones

This is some serious bullshit, here. I worked in an office with two morbidly obese men who insisted the temperature be kept at 65. The six women in the office were wearing sweaters and running space heaters in July. And over and over again, the argument was, you can put on more clothes. Except I can’t put clothes on

“Marriage is hard” is the response to people who say “we’ll be happy ever after.” I’m married to my college sweetheart for 20+ years now, through grad school, kids, aging parents, crashing economy, etc. And my life is easier because I’m doing all these things with him. But hard stuff is still hard. Having a husband

It’s amazing how many people have used this story as a way to vent their frustrations about children in public. Are there inattentive or just wrong-headed parents who never correct their children, make extra work and inconvenience others? Yes. And we can all agree they’re bad and yes, it’s acceptable to say something

Sarah Hepola’s new book, Blackout, had the same effect on me. I bought it because I thought it might inspire me to sobriety. Nope.

Am I missing something here? I read the complaint and it alleges the plaintiffs received three weird letters. Where do the countless creepy packages come in?

In general, women who are in a relationship are going to have some emotional expectations. That doesn't make them toxic and manipulative. If you don't want to meet them, stick to one night stands.

Yeah, treating everyone with respect and compassion IS a great idea. Kids — adults, humans generally — who kill themselves aren’t ABLE to “think twice” about suicide. They literally see it as the only option. The only way to prevent suicide is to get suicidal people to share their thoughts and plans with someone else.

Yes, because I want to be compassionate to the survivors of suicide, it must be because I want to make it easier for kids to kill themselves. It couldn’t possibly be that, like the people who wrote the AP style book, I’m listening to the people who are actually affected by suicide and doing what they ask. Our friends

How are you figuring that increased stigma thing is going to work, exactly? People who complete suicide are dead and don’t care what you think. People who survive a suicide attempt are typically getting treatment and trying to recover. Do you think telling them what weak, undeserving people they are will HELP that

No. Dying by suicide is, in all but a few cases, the end result of a long disease process. Some people survive that disease process, but others don’t. It’s not any different than dying from cancer, diabetes or any other disorder. There’s this myth that depression — any mental illness — is always controllable with

This is the same kind of argument people used to use about the word “gay”. Gay means happy and carefree, not homosexual! Words have meanings! One group can’t decide to just start using a word or phrase in a different way, because we have to have language rules! If we let homosexuals describe themselves as gay, people

That’s exactly it — a rationalization of antisocial behavior. They want to frame themselves as being more honest and unconventional than the rest of us, when what they’re actually doing is exploiting those with less power.

The teacher’s not going to be flirting with you during her meeting. She’s got 22 other sets of parents to talk to about core standards and social development before 9 tonight. The smiling, laughing at your jokes, etc? She’s being polite. At best, she thinks your kid’s cute. Whether you’re looking to score or being a

If the only reason you took your kid to the park was to flirt with any woman, it would be gross. If you’re inflicting your flirtation on a person who’s trying to talk to you about educating your kid, it’s gross. Using a child as a way to get laid is creepy. You’ve been watching too many Adam Sandler movies if you

This is gonna sound crazy to you, but the majority of parent-teacher conferences my husband and I have attended were with teachers we never met before. It was a total crap shoot whether we’d be talking to someone attractive or someone repulsive, physically or mentally. It’s gross you’d use your kid to mack on a woman

That’s not fair! I bet they make that weird groaning noise when the gas escapes from their lungs.

So, once again, we’re back to what YOU want and YOUR expectations. I’ll reiterate: the feminist movement can get along just fine without your kind of assistance. If we as women can deal with disagreement as to methods and policies within our own movement, who are you to tell us it’s unacceptable? Stop trying to force

So basically, other people ARE far more annoying than you are. You are going to decide that their failure to behave as you want AND appear happy about it is somehow malicious. The only suggestion I have for you, then, is stop showing up so late for lectures. That way you can sit on the end and not have to walk past

Do you support racial equality? Surely there are elements of that struggle that you’re not comfortable with. But you’re not going to argue that we should still have segregation just because you don’t want to redistribute all land in the southern US to descendants of slaves. And the fact that people within the movement

Really? You’ve been told what the goals of feminism are about a million times. If you’ve forgotten, you’re sitting in front of a machine that will give you that answer in any number of forms, languages, pictures, videos, etc. Moreover, your OP buddy wasn’t asking for goals, he was complaining about a lack of