Fancia Pantalones

I would normally agree with you, but Bruce Jenner has chosen to put himself in the spotlight. It's not like he's tried to make his transition in private and the media attention has been forced upon him — he's been doing a documentary. It's a devil with whom he's repeatedly chosen to dance.

I find it kind of surprising, if you are living with chronic mental illness, that you know so little about it. You're fortunate in that your treatment is working for you. It doesn't work for everyone. And I'm thinking your rock bottom is not the same that suicidal people hit, where they've been unable to feel

Except about guns. No matter how much money you have, one bad decision about a gun can destroy everything.

Honestly, I watched that ad and wondered if a 911 dispatcher would actually be on the ball like that. Where I live, I think the woman would have been chewed out for wasting their time with a pizza call.

No, just pointing out what you have in common with them. You seem to hear a lot of things I'm not saying — rape apologist, MRA, etc. Maybe it's your guilty conscience.

Right. I mean, there's no reason to be upset about having cancer. After all, plenty of people have survived it with minimal treatment, so that must mean everyone can! If they're good people and want to bad enough, of course.

The media has coached us to believe that depression is no big deal. It's just being super unhappy, and if you take a pill and go to counseling and you'll be fine. That's not the reality for people with chronic mental illness. Nobody shows the 20+ pills a day you can end up taking, the damage to your liver and

"What about teh menz?" is a term used to describe the male behavior of hijacking conversations by and about women in an attempt to refocus them on male issues. Rape apology is justifying rape. Those are two different things.

She wouldn't even have to consciously cut down on the Diet Coke. All she'd have to do is commit to drinking an 8 ounce glass of water every hour. It'd displace a case of DC a day.

First of all, being concerned about men being raped is not the same as being a rape apologist. You might want to be a little more careful about your terminology.

They kill many more men because men engage in combat against them. It's a result based on practicality, not philosophy. In noncombat situations — in this case, prosecution for adultery — they are executing more women. It takes a woman AND a man to commit adultery, so the fact that more women are being executed means

I don't believe you've convinced people who were against ALL vaccines. Someone who refuses to get their child a tetanus shot after an injury simply isn't going to change their mind. One can only hope the kid doesn't ever get bitten by a wild animal.

I am one of these people. I have had four additional MMR shots and never seroconverted. The infectious disease specialist finally told me to stop getting them because they were never going to work. It was really scary when I was pregnant, because of the risk of rubella. Fortunately, my kids are old enough that the

Except she didn't say ISIS predominantly targets women. She said she thought they'd rather kill women, all other things being equal. That has nothing to do with how many people of each gender are actually being killed. You read that into her statement so that you could talk about men. Again. I mean, God forbid we

Lo-and-Behold changed the subject from the atrocity committed against this particular woman and women generally to how bad men have it. The people running ISIS are men and they have draconian attitudes towards women. The number of men killed in the fighting has nothing to do with this subject.

As hard as it is for your wife, it's much harder for the patients. Nobody wants to be in the psych ward, it's just the best of a bunch of bad options sometimes. If she can remember that, she'll do fine.

It can still scramble your brain. It's a necessary treatment for some people, but it's not benign. It's the chemo of mental health treatment.

Please continue to hang in there. I've been where you are and I know that sometimes it seems like it's just going to take one more thing. But please keep having faith in the system and talking to people. It will eventually get better. The way you feel is the result of brain malfunction, not moral failing.

Have you missed that Jezebel is a feminist website? I'm just wondering because this is the second place I've seen you in the last few minutes bemoaning the fate of men. Just because an article is about a women or women doesn't mean we rejoice in misfortunes that happen to men. It just means we're NOT TALKING ABOUT

You shouldn't call other people fat because it's wrong and unkind, period. Whether someone else treats you badly has nothing to do with your obligations as a decent human being. Besides, the women calling guys fat and ugly also call other women fat and ugly. It's not like our campaign to make them nicer has worked so