Fancia Pantalones

There's a difference between saying people should tip and saying people who don't tip are thieves. One is a reasonable statement, the other is hyperbole. The reality is that people who deliver food and people who serve food are not adequately — or even legally — reimbursed by their employers. That system should be

Let's put the blame where it really belongs, please. Employers who don't pay an adequate wage are thieves. I tip waitstaff, but I'M not making money off the system the way it is, restaurant owners are. The vast majority of customers are not lobbying against minimum wage requirements/increases.

All around you, women are having a conversation to which you're not welcome. Nobody else is interested in engaging with you and this is the last time I will. I'm just trying to spare you from embarassment. Comment all you like, all you're gonna hear is an echo.

Yes, I have a problem with that. I have a problem with anyone who puts money into the pocket of others by exploiting the disabled. I've encountered many people like you, who participate in an industry that takes SSI money from disabled people and uses it to pay multiple levels of employees, then provide the basic

So, basically, you turned this article about how benefits are being cut to homeless, disabled and elderly people into a discussion of how wonderful YOU are? OK.

Did you even read this article? They're talking about homeless, elderly and/or disabled people. They don't have coupons or freezers or gardens.

And there's your circular logic. Unless you're able to live on NOTHING, you can't save money to live better by living "extremely frugally" when you're elderly, disabled and/or homeless. All of the money you have is taken up by survival. You don't have a mom to make you meals, or a place to plug in your rice cooker

Also, the woman who abandoned the dog is complaining that people don't feel sorry enough for her and her daughter. She handled the situation poorly and she wants more sympathy than the dog. That never plays well.

Clearly you missed the peeing-in-the-shower discussion. It really was the apex of outrage and pseudoscience.

I'm not a boy....

You didn't actually provide an edit, you just bitched. Journalistic ethics don't require acknowledgment of bitching.

Look at her feet! I have spent my entire life with my mother hissing at me "Turn your feet OUT!" Nobody else is standing with their feet like that. I always feel like Lena Dunham is trying to make herself as unattractive as possible, inside and out, to see how far she can go and still have people like her.

You're an MRA troll who's so ineffective Boko Haram wouldn't be bothered strapping explosives to you. The only special forces you've ever been part of are the fedora squad. Go pose elsewhere.

Dude, nobody's talking about you. That's all I'm saying. Why can't you just let it go? Why do you have to continue to force your voice into a discussion where it's not wanted? This discussion is not about how a group of women can make you, as a guy, feel good about yourself. The belief that your male voice is

I have no idea what you're saying here. It seems to be some sort of wank fest. There are plenty of brave and capable young men who want to make a difference in the world.

This poor child's torso was blown apart, which means the explosives were around her midsection, not her hair.

A hijab covers your hair and neck; a niqab your hair, neck and part of your face. Unless you're suggesting that people are concealing explosives in their hair, how do either of these create a security risk? I suspect that you're thinking of burqas or abayas, which provide a shapeless covering for the body. But

Yes, Stassia. You have no evidence that this child knew what she was doing or was given any choice in the matter. Please remove the term "suicide bomber" from the headline.

Even if she did, at 10, she was forced into it. The whole thing is sickening.

Nobody's trying to make you feel guilty. We're just not talking about you. It's bewildering why someone who insists that he'd never force a woman to have sex insists on forcing himself into a discussion about men who force women to have sex. You invite speculation by protesting too much.