
To be fair, when there’s a river of ectoplasm running beneath your city, you really can’t expect to get much more than maddened ghouls in charge.

I’m going to go with ignorance of protocol. Not an innocent ignorance, however - active ignorance. The shitgabbon doesn’t pay attention to experts. He was probably picking his nose when they told him not to post videos.

+1 death from dysentery.

These days, not advocating for the death penalty for women seeking an abortion constitutes a centrist conservative.

Hopefully the ban is worded such that he can’t get back into the country now.

Jesus. As horrifying as that is, imagine horizontal stripes instead.

It’s adorable that you think those are policies, rather than random shits that he calls thoughts.

Get right the fuck out of here with that “both sides” horseshit. Government has stopped working because one side believes that government shouldn’t be able to operate. Period.

Man Flexjaw

If we drop a bomb on the Senate, it would be the first time I’d agree with Twitler.

Todd, if you’re going to post in a public forum like this you have to do a better job of hiding your identity.

Having just completed my first semester of law school, I would gladly take a fiery prostitute over half the jackasses in my cohort.

I think odds are good that his net worth is actually in the red. He’s basically running a pyramid scheme on himself to live that tacky-ass opulent lifestyle with Russian mob money.

I’m so fucking tired of these stereotypes.

Building a wall doesn’t stop illegal immigration. Period. In fact, it makes the problem worse. Whereas before, seasonal agricultural workers would cross the border for planting season and leave after the harvest, now they simply stay and send the money home because they can’t risk not being able to reenter.

Single payer does no good when half our hospitals are controlled by the Catholic Church, or when religious zealots eliminate women’s health options in massive blocks of rural counties, or when women of color receive substandard care no matter their economic status.

If Republicans are so worried about the budget, I’ll gladly tell them in excruciating detail why the mortality rate is so high, for a tenth the cost.

Here’s the secret nobody talks about: you can combine systems! Socialism and capitalism work far better together than either ever could on their own.

DST is proven not to benefit anyone, so... nope.

Like... I know progressive me should be absolutely outraged by the power Disney wields in the world of media, and I’m aware how massive a problem it is.