
The real Henk Rogers is Dutch, not American, but who knows if the movie will do much, if anything, to acknowledge that. They seem dead-set on portraying him as the Determined Guy With a Vision Who Proved Them All Wrong and Single-Handedly Gave Us Beloved Product, which is a pretty American trope.


I’m pretty sure details of Numenor are also mentioned in Unfinished Tales.

The Venn diagram of toxic fanbois and white racists is nearly a circle. 

Let’s not pretend that’s entirely China.  China fucking loves the Fast & The Furious Franchise, and they don’t cut Tej out of the marketing.  Boyega was done dirty for American racists too.

I’ve been a Doctor Who fan my whole life and I am like really, really gay. I don’t like this. I admired the fact that the Doctor was not interested in sex and made real platonic friends with women, much like I do. The Doctor is asexual and if they really are making the Doctor gay this is asexual erasure.

yes, just like that.

Someone thousands of years old getting horny for someone who won’t even live a century feels like a human wanting to fuck a fruit fly.

I know that this train has long ago left the station RE NuWho but the Doctor shouldn’t be gay because the Doctor should be asexual. His actor being a gay POC is great but the character really shouldn’t be imho

I don’t think Elrond was ever king of anything.

Well, it’s got production value, but the dialogue was almost “next time on Mad Men” levels of vague. Aside from containing the usual elements we associate with LOTR, I still have no idea what it’s about.

I just find it hilarious that they used a picture of him in a Soviet Ushanka. Yeah, he’s a communist, but he’s not out there hunting neoliberals.

News to me.

the MCU version first appeared in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, though the canonical connection of that series has yet to be determined

I truly believe that the biggest cultural shift we need (at least in terms of economics) is to get people to believe that they should stop letting idle capitalists steal a portion of their labor.

BUhhhh why do you use “they” to refer to a singular person! I’m so confused! I can’t figure out a single thing in this article! Is it even in English?! 

You have a higher chance of going to Hawaii and getting attacked by Ezra Miller than you do getting attacked by a shark.

I was that child actor. Kareem absolutely did not tell me to fuck off. We had zero interactions off camera. He was exactly as he describes himself. Extremely shy and focused on the task at hand. I’m enjoying the show though.

Some country with more balls than the USA needs to charge people like Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson with being an accessory to people dying preventable deaths and then fining their parent companies a few billion dollars for doing business in their sovereign territory.