Falutin Free

Don’t give in to these pant-wetters. It was a harmless joke.

Dont remove it.That shit must never be forgotten.
Those pathetic crybabies can just deal with it

Yeah and their country is already feeling the pain. Germany is going to pay the price for having a touch me and we can all feel warm and fuzzy inside immigration policies instead of coming up with a reasonable plan and implementation. They succumbed to emotion instead of logic.

So will they replace gas stations and refineries with coal plants or is the energy magically going to flow from a unicorns anus and power everyones car at a fair cost.

Because there is something too squicky about her.

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Looks like we gotta overpopulation problem here, so if you got a gun fucking shoot one in the face.

I read this while watching a documentary about Don Rickles. Yes, I actually did.

I think the story in November will be how many voters voted for House and NOT for President.

i guarantee my 4th hand panda is responsible for less emissions than it takes to build a new prius

Stef, I know this seems like a minor point, but it’s kind of important in making sure that everyone keeps Hurricane Matthew in perspective when future storms arrive (and they will).

How exactly were ‘we’ (you) ‘ripped off’? You poor bastard, not at all being forced to buy any brand and still somehow ending up owning four locally made cars.

What? She made a blanket statement calling about 45% of Americans deplorables.

She can’t handle the security of a small US facility in another country and has continued to lie about it, on record I might add, with the current commander in chief additionally lying about it, and you expect her to handle the security of the free world as the commander and chief? Trump is awful but if you think the

I see so much hostility against Trump on here, some justified, some not. At least be fair a call Hilary for what she is. She lied about her emails, mishandled classified information that would get the average person thrown away for life. She along with her campaign manager rigged the convention against Sanders (not a

Let’s not pretend supporting Hillary is a noble act here, buddy

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not really, when they test those huge turbofans they’ll spray insane amounts of water into them while running and it doesn’t really effect it too much. The combustion chamber is 2000 degrees, so the water is instantly vaporized.

The truck was far less annoying than her.

God, shut up cry baby.

Let’s talk about the gorilla in the room. Reporters talk about how all humans with 300 miles are going to die...while they report from the beach.

Scares Snowflake during Hurricane.