Falutin Free

Can you imagine a mother filming her own daughter having sex and leaking that to the media in a bid to make her a celebrity? Could you imagine a mother urging her daughter to do a Playboy shoot?

You mean how they have reported it many times as fact, only to find out it has been staged? See Duke, Virginia, Mattress girl, most girls on college campuses....

If X is a guy that feminists don’t like? Yes. Yes, I can imagine Jezebel publishing something like that.

The fact that you can literally be “too smart” to be a police officer comes to mind.

....meanwhile, back in the real world, it turns out that Silicon Valley is one of the most socially progressive and enlightened places on earth. Companies in Silicon Valley tend to greatly exceed companies in most other parts of this country when it comes to gender equality, age discrimination, sexual preference, etc.

I would like to think they have more important things to do. How about they bother with jaywalkers and folks doing 5mph over the limit once all the other actual crimes are taken care of.

We pride ourselves on being assholes, quite vocal ones, here in New York, but not over stupid European shit, like cycling. Fuck that noise.

folks dont bother here, you cant argue with a Jez invader.

A little specificity please... it seems to me like you just thought you could offer a drive by “look at how I’m better than all these racists” without actually being held accountable for it.

It -is- the modern way...

But hey if you can’t beat em, blame your failures on someone else.

This made it to jezebel. I fully expect the comments section to turn into an Alissa Walker degree dumpster fire.


Please elaborate. It’s a comment section after all.

They don’t even care if you’re even good at racing, e.g. Danica.

Someone’s going to fail.

I strongly suspect NASCAR don’t care too much if you’re black, brown, yellow, white, or purple. It’s all about the green...