Let’s play this game. We’ll take your slander and compare it to Trumps opponent and her rapist husband or the current POTUS who frequently fundraises and travels with a known pedophile.
Let’s play this game. We’ll take your slander and compare it to Trumps opponent and her rapist husband or the current POTUS who frequently fundraises and travels with a known pedophile.
Ah, the hypocrisy. Liberals wants me to believe that a Christian bakery should not discriminate a customer even though the order is against their beliefs -- yet this liberal biased blog posts trying to insinuate that Trump should not do business with someone who don’t share his beliefs -- implying that Trump approves…
So funny how this site puts out so many trump hit pieces, but doesn’t even touch all the news about Hillary committing federal crimes or president Obama delaying the release of emails until AFTER the election. Shit is sketchy as fuck, yet not one comment. I mean for fucks sake I don’t even like trump but you guys…
Meet the convicted cocaine dealer who hosted one of Hillary’s fundraising events at his home last year: John “The Pharmacist” Zaccaro, Jr., the son/political career albatross of Geraldine Ferraro.
Are we going to get an article detailing all the sketchy folks the Clintons have been friendly with/employed over their careers too?
In the interest of fairness, are we going to see an article about, for instance, the criminal who fled U.S. justice and then, in the final hours of Bill’s presidency, was granted a pardon (after large donations to the DNC). Or how Hillary, after entering the WH for Bill’s first term decided she wanted some…
Curious....when will you be doing the article on the convicted drug trafficker that sHillary’s had a fund raiser with? See...most of the stuff you throw at Trump...sHillary was guilty of a LONG time ago. How about all the drug traffickers her hubby pardoned?
This all seems like a resumé builder for the left. It helped Billy Boy all those years ago.
And most M3's will never see a race track. Get over it.
It’s for the same reason as why they don’t say how much was taken during a bank robbery. So that no one knows it was a lot of money, and they want to do the same. If someone else gets hurt they will ask what they and their legal counsel come up with, not what this guy got. Protecting your business from…
He has 5 jobs and works his ass off
Not surprised, and I can’t blame him. He is utterly obsessed with Paul Newman’s racing career. The documentary he made about it is a spectacular piece of filmmaking, and completely explains why he’d do this.
Yeah. It’s a cool car with an amazing history. I respect it.
Yikes. I’d keep the gorgeous Lamborghinis over this McDonald’s Volkswagen.
Everything out of both of their mouths is a complete lie. If you believe a word either says, you’re beyond help.
with the price of those things? id say its mostly a sheikh problem
So we can condemn people for their past actions as long as they’re white millionaires, but everyone else has “put it behind them “ and is “turning over a new leaf” and “wouldn’t hurt a fly”.
Ah....there it is! The daily Jalopnik rag-on-the-Corvette thread.
So... exactly what high minimum wage does is why their closing? Huh. Called that one. Now instead of making money, unemployment goes up.
LMFAO!! I was born here my parents were born here, my grandparents came into the USA LEGALLY. Uninformed I guess every Hispanic is an illegal now.