Falutin Free

Oh, sorry, I think you responded to the wrong person. I’m definitely not Jesus.

So I see The Concourse has taken the Gawker approach to comments they disagree with... keep them silent and in the greys so people have to click “Show Pending” to read any comment that doesn’t follow the narrative. Ya know, for a bunch of NYC millennials who argue for free speech all of the goddamn time, you all have

Doesnt matter if it Massechusetts or North Carolina. Don’t kick in the door to someones home and you wont risk some homeowner shooting you and your buddies in the chest. Seems rather simple.

Nope. Just dead home invader > living home invader. You seem angry. Are you wanting to commit a home invasion safely or something?

They were also breaking into appartment buildings and condos. Hopefully, if they decide home invasion is a good idea... they get acute lead poisoning.

Yeah and I got some ocean front property in Arizona.

When domestic violence allegations came out, everyone wanted to bury Busch because he was a known hot head and must’ve done it. He knew he was on thin ice already in NASCAR why was he going to ruin that over her. Well now that we know she is proven liar, It lends much more credence to the story that she made it up to

Maybe Driscoll should get some lessons from the Clintons on how to really milk run a charity...

I remember her coming off as REALLY shady during the whole Kurt beating her court case. I would never usually feel sympathy for a wealthy guy accused of doing something wrong, but she made it pretty easy.

Kind of makes her sound less than credible.

People called us crazy when we were all saying Kurt was the sane one in the relationship...

I’m gonna be the pedant here.

Hey, that’s interesting. Now, how ‘bout you tell us that all those woman who dressed too provocatively were really just begging to be raped?

Surprising. I was really expecting an Amish dude driving a horse & buggy.

People who survived in Pulse said Mateen was proclaiming jihadwhile murdering people. But they must be wrong, right? Wtf do they know

Timothy mcveigh was not right wing he was anti government like the unabomber.

Democrats in general and liberals on UniMedia are falling all over themselves trying to distance this from terrorism not because it was, not because many people were injured, not because they found a similar device a mile away, but because they are afraid it might help trump.

Yeah, it really is best to not leap to concussions, so maybe you should lie down and seek medical attention before continuing to post with your concussion.

It’s incredible how far certain government officials will bend in order to push focus away from Islamic Jihad. It’s also incredible how so many in the media will help them. The mass-stabber last night was shouting Allah Akbar and yet the police chief said it wasn’t terrorism. Really?

Soccer does suck. It does not advance the world of personal protection technology or throwing skills.