Falutin Free

Its an effect from the video frame rate. The props are actually spinning faster then they appear to on these videos as well. Similar to when you watch an old western movie and the wagon wheels appear to be going backwards as the wagon goes forward.

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Dubai, Kuwait. These are fairly stable Islamic countries who seem to be able to bring in foreigners to work. Wonder why they can’t help out fellow Muslims in their time of need?

Get the fuck out of here.

How is the view from your high horse?


Sorry, but the blame lies with you and your people. 1% of you are terrorists and the other 99% refuse to integrate. You should have been taken in your neighboring countries but they didn’t want you.

Why head to Sweden or Belgium when one could head to a neighboring country such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Qatar or UAE? Would one of those choices not be more practical from both a travel hardship as well as a cultural assimilation standpoint?

Its a reasonable question to ask, but I’m sure the families of those just killed dont find it particularly compelling as they bury their wife, husband, child, mother, father, friend.

Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt have all been accepting refugees by the thousand.

Part of what gets lost in the ‘dialogue’ (there’s no real dialogue about closing borders or demanding better scrutiny on immigration without the words ‘islamophobia, racist, xenophobe, etc getting screamed) is that we just don’t know who is coming into Western countries and the bad apples are mixing in. Ninety-nine

This bleeding heart hot take seems familiar, like it was copied and pasted from somewhere.

When will people learn that diversity and tolerance doesn't extend to the point that you welcome a culture that has an open desire to change your country to reflect their values by any means necessary?

Funny every time. Well played.

No they are going to lose. Don’t be so certain of yourself. And they deserve to lose again. There’s also another lawsuit filed against them as recently as January of this year. Gawker is deserving of this as they brought it on themselves.

Well, now that we messed up our lives with this nonsense, post a real picture of what it does, please. You need to tone down your wierd way of hating the Chiron, honestly. What did Bugatti ever do to you? If you say its a piece of you know what, “Ettore Bugatti’s ghost” will surely haunt you in your sleep.

Thanks for the update on this case! Still waiting to hear what happened in that whole “Bolea vs. Gawker”-thing because you guys haven’t mentioned anything since posting snarky links to watch the trial.

Y’all need to straight up grow some balls when it comes to Jeremy Clarkson. Yeah, he punched a guy in the face but that was at the same time that he had a dying mother, job problems (the ‘slope’ investigation thing), and a divorce coming. And yeah, he’s said racist and somewhat sexist things, but who cares? He’s just

If he was telling the truth about how people in Asia said it wasnt racist, then.. do your sensibilities override that?

Also, intent and context matter. People say shit, it doesnt mean much of anything without other things to back it up.
Are you one of those people that believes things you happen to see as hateful can

Agreed. Sometime people just need to just

The real reason Clarkson disappeared and HAD to be removed from BBC’s greatest TV show on the face of this planet, is because people are so soft skinned these days that doing anything is considered offensive. And lets be honest, Clarkson’s humour was a bit of an acquired taste. If Monty Python was functional and