Falutin Free

Wow. A paddy wagon that doubles as an ice cream truck. Neat.

Boaty McBoatface

Not relevant....but thanks for playing.

How many races have *you* won?

Locate onstar module, disconnect antenna... You just thwarted the worlds best hackers.

I agree that they probably have a better chance on appeal, but an appeal doesn’t mean this hearing gets thrown out entirely. Former testimony is usually admissible as evidence. So all their smarmy bullshit can still be cited and they’ll have to defend it. I can’t imagine any jury anywhere would find this shit

They do nothing but post race bait articles. The chicken is finally coming home to roost. BROTHER

I have no dogs in this fight whatsoever but that’s pretty damn funny.

Tyler, I absolutely love your writing. Please tell me you will still be employed after The Hulkster owns Gawker. I look forward to Foxtrot Alpha every day.

Let’s be real though: putting the whole “a coyote’s trying to kill/eat me” thing aside, the Road Runner was an asshole.

Very few groups really think to that level. Like the President and VP don’t fly together. I’ve never seen this as a corporate rule.

Hitler’s SCIENTISTS sent men to the moon. Hitler wanted to blow it up.

Seeing that it was built in the 80's, Yeah, I can see wanting it to look like something from the 90's.

No! NO! NONONONO! Leave your damn facts at the door! You’re a bad man! DRUMPH supporting jerk!

In that case, Sanders has accomplished about 1/500 the things Trump has in his lifetime. What would that make him then?

Hitler was not a scientist. You could go with Hitler funded science.

no personal or political bias in this article, no underlying derogatory tones at all! in a car article nonetheless. smh

David Kimble is the name of the artist that did this 959. If you Google his name you find tons of similarly cool automotive cutaways.

<%wgluv2hunt> I was in a bar Saturday night, and had a few drinks.
<%wgluv2hunt> I noticed two large women by the bar. They both had strong accents so I asked, “Hey, are you two ladies from Ireland?”
<%wgluv2hunt> One of them screamed, “It’s Wales you idiot!”
<%wgluv2hunt> So, I immediately apologized and said,