You got a weird definition of 1:1 copies I’d say maybe that Deep Purple one is the closest. The one you cited doesn’t really sound close.
You got a weird definition of 1:1 copies I’d say maybe that Deep Purple one is the closest. The one you cited doesn’t really sound close.
Sure, sure. Look for “important journalism” on a pop culture website. You self-important judgmental piece of shit.
Weird you say that because Apropos was actually the ONLY Ancient Greek dude who wasn’t into it.
It would be easier to take the police line of “a few bad cops give all the good ones a bad name” if the good cops called for the removal of the bad ones.
That’s awful and a reminder to me, a gay male, how much our community needs to show up for LGBTQ women.
It’s also possible to remove someone from society at large without murdering them.
Look, I get you’re doing churnalism, not journalism, but the arrests had already been made well over a month ago, so that wasn’t the news here. The story only hit the headlines again this week because formal charges were brought and a court date was set.
So just to jump in because it seems like you are indirectly blaming the driver for not stepping in, it was upstairs on a double decker bus. The driver has cctv that allows them to see upstairs but wouldn’t be staring at it every second. I’d assume as soon as the driver noticed the fracas they called the fuzz.
You don’t know how these buses and buses in general work, do you, love?
As if being heckled to make out wasn’t sufficiently degrading.
But is it about his ethnicity? I doubt it. Seems like he’s been boxed in and denied advances but I wouldn’t assume that ethnicity is the issue. Definitely need more proof. How is he defining ‘less qualified’ in terms of younger faculty, for example.
Being against the death penalty isn’t about the types of people we execute, whatever their crimes. It is about the type of people we, as a nation, want to be.
As I saw on twitter, they believe in small government, unless the government is deciding who lives and who dies.
Look at how pro-life the lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people is!
The fact we still have the death penalty at all is abhorrent. Murder is wrong, and it ought to be wrong for everyone including the state; no matter the victim. I hate that the government makes us all accessories to murder with the death penalty. I’m not all that keen on life without possibility of parole either, when…
I graduated from TU back in the 90s and had Dr Burns for physics. He came to class everyday with his coffee, an eraser, a piece. of chalk. He didn’t need to bring a book because he LITERALLY wrote the physics book that was being used by the University of Urbana-Champaign. TU chose a different book in which he told us…