Falsoman el Garabatero

Are you a linguistic in Spanish, though? Because I am not, but it is my native language and I am absolutely unsure how to pronounce that X. Also, In Latin American countries that speak Spanish, we already have an inclusive language movement and it doesn’t use the X, but what proper Spanish uses for gender neutral

Yes, but the title of the show is Siempre Bruja. Which is already gendered to female. For males it would be Brujo.

Talk about slayin’ p...cats!

Yeah, I need some explanation because this article is bizarre! There’s definitely something I’m not getting. Either what this is parodying, or Frida’s taste in movies.

We ignore that because that is 1. Dumb, 2. Not an official explanation as far as I know... I might be wrong. The freaking atmosphere has water in it, and somehow interstellar travel guys that also have invisible ships can’t have invisible clothes.

I am a middle school teacher. This year I have one group who are delightful and also make me dread next school year, because there is no way in hell I am lucky enough to get that type of group again.

LOL. Of course that video exists. And it is amazing!

I don’t mind them and kind of like them if I like the guy and we’re both horny lol, I suppose it’s like softcore porn but with people you actually can meet. However nudes are not really something I ever ask for because I don’t really care. If I like your face and/or make me laugh or have interesting conversations....

There is definitely some internalized homophobia going on, but I guess they also think it is a sexy way to talk dirty or something. Be that as it may, it just takes me out of any sexy mood.

Glad you haven’t had to deal with that lol. I am a super dork, so I'm a bit awkward regarding sexting and nudes, but it still amazes how common is for dudes to just kinda just send nudes without anyone asking. 

Ouch! Good luck with that divorce. And may you never get an unsolicited anus 😉. Use the line as much as you want. I don't know what makes it delightful but it would be fun to receive a dick pic and then respond "No thank you" and an APA citation of my comment. 

GGod damnit the horror! 

Lol, I know more than a few people are fans of anuses, but for me they are not something I love looking at. I mean, i generally don’t mind them, and I love a guy nice butt, but as a whole, not just the hole 😃. Also, unsolicited is never nice.

I’m guessing there’s a porno somewhere where Man-pussy is used and it must be popular. Nothing against porn, really, and nothing against vaginas, but I somehow don’t want to have parts o me called Man-pussy lol. Also not a fan of being called a bitch during sex. Or, at all 😂.

Oh oh oh. Also, more than one guy has tried to convince me to have sex with the awesome line of “I’m gonna make you my bitch and destroy your man pussy.”

So, for those always complaining about unsolicited dicpics, in the gay world sometimes we also have unsolicited anus pics. And sometimes I have received them when they have been... Exercising. That as a first message, and sometimes accompanied by their location and then complaining that I do not respond to them, or

I would be more inclined to not talk terrible things about CK if he had just disappeared. Ateast for a year or two man... But he is back without letting things die down and doubling down in the nastyness apparently. Look, I was one of those who did not believe the allegations for a while when they were just rummors,

Way too long of a break! I love this show and I swear to the old gods and the new – Grodd and Beebo, respectively – that I will send a unicorn to the CW offices if they cancel this show.

They have been doing it for a while already. Because they don't fucking know how tariffs work. 

Im between crige and yay! I love queen, and I loved this movie even if it’s not historically accurate... Whatever it was a well constructed movie. I love to sing along and I love the special showings of Rocky Horror, so this seems made for me .. but I’m not sure this musical lends itself to much for it. It has long