Falsoman el Garabatero

Right?! This is what happy feels like. Tell Rebecca Bunch, please.

This was so much fun! I loved every second of it. Even when everyone switch to brooding mode for the Arrow part. And I mean. EVERYONE!

Indeed. I liked Frozen. This “Short” is just terrible. Coco is fantastic #biasedMexicanOpinion

You have to commend Pixar for bringing cultures together in a new understanding. Coco is a great depiction of Mexican customs, but what it is most amazing to me, is that we can now hold hand and proclaim, together, as one, our hatred for that mother fucking infuriatingly (not)Christmas Special.

I am so ready for the crossover next week! This show is so much fun, and having that Mick focused episode was just fantastic.

Such a great line in a series full of them. This show is just so much fun!

I just love this show and I love reading your reviews. I am so glad that we have now a site in the family that reviews this wonderful show.

Others already pointed basically everything... but I want to address the fact that Josh was not actually a “happy-go-lucky 20-something” at the beginning of the show. In reality he was someone down on his luck, and lost, which is why he went back to his family and his old girlfriend, who he strung along for years.

That had me in stitches. I always look at people’s hands when playing the piano... to see if it’s obvious they’re not doing it, or if they’re really doing it, or if they are faking it really well... and seeing valencia do a cringey song with a super cringey bad piano playing fake-out was the highlight.

This is annoying. As an overweight guy with a beard for me it’s been people asking to rub either my belly or my beard. Some people did not even ask and I’ve had to smack their hands. And then they get offended because I’m so uptight.

I LIke what Neil Degrass Tyson says he did with his kid about the Tooth Fairy. Instead of telling her she is not real, told her the two versions (fantasy and reality) and asked her to find out what was the truth. So the kid did an experiment and tried to catch the fairy and recruited other kids to do the same.

Good on them. I hate that this story is so fucking common. And sometimes so normalized that people think on the lines of “that’s just what happens, so what were you expecting?”

This game has been so much fun. I am not directly igualmente i ‘ll ever 100% it, but I just keep playing and it feels like I make significant progress every day.

Hell, at least three of the songs so far have mentioned suicide one way or another.

I don’t know if I agree with this. I have several white friends and most of them are actually very articulated people. Some even know how to conjugate in present perfect.

I belieeeeeeeve that Jesos has his own planet as wel!

Can we stop with the shaming? Elephant people are also people!

Yes! This is the one i’ve been waiting for.

This is amazing! Doom on the go. I like that.

But you see, PDP is not really racist! It’s just evil SJWs being outraged about everything. PDP is not racist! He only makes racist jokes. Repeatedly. Then grows up and learns an it’s all better... and then becomes the real victim. Then he does it again. But it’s OK because it’s just a joke man! But he really learns