Falsoman el Garabatero

Oh i am aware that she is in a very tough spot now, that is why i hope she has a support system. Family, friends, some institution to help her out. Mostly with emotional support.

I hope she has a support system waiting outside. Living depressed is a struggle, living as a trans person has some challenges I can’t even begin to imagine, getting over systemic abuse on prison and being an ex-con is super hard, and having half the country hating you added on to that must be really fucking hard.

Kind of like an electric outlet.

Do you have the climbing outfit? Because that is a thing that might make things a little less annoying.

Basically ANY gay themed movie. I mean they all have the same choice of three plots. The acting is usually crap. The hot-ish proyagonist has to decide between the really hot love interest or tje really really really hot other love interest. Although some tend to be super hot but with a constantly flabbergasted hipster

Or they were from a group of Deaf people? Like the ones my friends belong to because they learn sign language and other skills necessary for deaf people together. Not everything is a conspiracy.

This is gonna be my first comment on this website and all I have to say is: HOLY FUCK!

This is good to know, because the loot they drop is good!

I bought the soundtrack of season 2 the second it launched on iTunes. Tim Minchin, Garfunkel and Oates, Flight of the Conchords, and This is what is always on shuffle.

I don’t want to bring up The Holocaust

Yeah, I’ve been exploring and advancing veeeery slowly. I haven’t even started looking for the beasts. I just unlocked my first memory and I’ve been taking pictures of stuff to update the log. Damn you metroid and Animal Crossing for making fomenting my OCD.

Damn that was a good response. You’re my favorite now.

I am playing StarWars Battlefront because I just installed it on my PS4. Also playing Shovel Knight, and maybe continuing my playthrough of Yoshi Wooly World

Yeah, almost. It’s not that women belong home instead of educating themselves, it’s that a “real family” needs a dad, so she should make it work with him before thinking about finishing a career. It’s super fucked up.

Sister in law but yeah. Pretty much. That Was years before I met her, but as she has told me, some teachers thought she was too strong minded and she should be focusing on her family more. And felt it was their catholic duty to basically fix her. Hence the insistence that’s she should focus on getting back with the

I know it’s fucked up. Hell I feel like shit because I am also a teacher and a few years ago I failed a new mom on my class... the difference being that i failed her because she didn’t turn absolutely any homework, any project and she didn’t go to class. She kept asking me for extensions, but the problem was that

Sadly I’m not sure if a lawsuit would have actually helped. It is definitely illegal to do what he did in Mexico AFAIK, but suing a professor in your university could just end up making the rest of your career hell... it’s super unjust. It’s just the way it is, especially and specifically if the professor has

My sister in law used to be a single mother, and she had a teacher in college (catholic university) that insisted on failing her because she should be taking care of her child. And if she failed enough and needed support she would finally be convinced of marrying the father of the child and become a happy-functional

Good! I loved TGW and I’m so watching this. Also my mom will have hopefully a few extra years of getting hyped by Dianne’s outfits and broaches.