Snotty Slitherin
Holy fuck that is pretty darn impressive!
Yup. I’m excited. I am so looking forward to this!
I haven’t caught up on shameless in a while, I will at some point because I love it. I think this actor (the trans one) was also in The Fosters this past season as a possible love interest for Callie.
Mestizo is common and not bad in Mexico, and I assume many Latin-American countries. I use Mestizo to describe myself because I’m not white, nor native, and kinda maybe a hint of middle eastern looking. Most Mexicans are mestizos. Although I suppose you can use any of these as a pejorative somehow if you are an…
It’s kinda common in Spanish in salsa music for example. We had to learn about classifications of people in elementary school several years ago and for some reason the three basics of not native, white or black stuck...
If it’s one of those SHUT UP AND EAT ME no-talk, no nonsense sex... yeah. I will still hate myself afterwards but I would. So it’s technically yes. The best kind of yes i guess.
Hash tag Humble AND Blessed!
The incredible cruelty masked as goodness of forcing someone who doesn’t want to, to give birth is outstanding! Let alone someone who was raped or who’s fetus is not having an actual chance of a good life.
Maybe? maybe not? I am surrounded by Catholics and I went to Sunday school and things like that. I kinda believed in something when i was a kid, but by the time I went to middle-school i was already Full on skeptical... learned that could be agnosticism... and stayed with that for a many years... then I realized i…
Staunch atheist here, but I was raised in a Catholic/Agnostic family, so common phrases for me are:
This is the best show where I hate absolutely everyone and still want to keep watching.
This guy is fantastic at cosplay! I am so freaking impressed.
Welcome! It’s always nice to have more, and different voices in Kotaku.
And as always, it’s been proven that Tim Minchin is relevant for every topic.
Pidgeys are awesome if you want to level of really really fast. Just capture as many as possible transfer most of them , leave a bunch of them and use a Lucky egg. Then evolve all the pokemons you can. Pidgeys only take 12 candy to evolve and they will give you 1000 experience every time.
Generally being an asshole to someone who not only hasn’t done anything to you but who actually praised you and your new show is frowned upon. Also since when are we shaming people for coming out?
Chicken or Soylent, I want some KFC now.