
Arthur's a great sidekick.

Screw the chase. Have a real life Carousel instead

Please, somebody, give me the spoiler I've been prying for.

It stinks.

I'm so glad TMNTs were not a part of my childhood that can be raped.

Wow, an actual new episode Simpsons that didn't suck.

Must have been drawn by Michael Bay

The publishers left off the S and the H in the title.

so does this

Now playing

We already have a kick ass Star Wars cartoon

Nice. I remember that show. Andy was astronaut first, sheriff second in my book

Beautiful place. Been there many times.

I lived in Boulder/Denver for 12 years. Why the hell did I ever leave?

Not much else to see in Huntsville. At least it's near the airport.

2 + 2 = 5

at this point, I'm not so sure

Voyager actually got better in the last few seasons.

How the mighty have fallen

You forgot these gems