
I rarely find myself thinking a series finale is very good, but the Shield is the exception. I find it difficult to believe that anyone who watched that show completely through could think it was anything but sublime. (Other decent to good series finales are Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Wire, Cheers, Friday

Isn't it "deride"?

Pfffffffttttt, aren't you the guy who recently used twitter as a justification for your opinion that people like the show? How do you not see the irony?

Was that a legitimate, friendly "hon", or a snide, condescending "hon"? If it's the former, you are a nice person! If it's the latter, can you explain the point of using it beyond being mean?

You waste time responding to what you perceive to be crappy comments about what people perceive to be a crappy show. You defend the show as blindly as people rag on it. How are you any different than those you think you are exposing?

Imagine Dennis in Negan's position. Any question whether he'd whip these losers into shape?

Calm down. You probably need a shot of B-12, you know you do.

Well I hope you are ready for more clever "observations", because he/she does this EVERY week.

I said ONE peanut!

You've brought great joy to this old Italian stereotype.

I stand corrected.

Agree completely. The writing for his character is completely incongruous with how every single other character is written.

I didn't get to see the whole thing. Did Jungy Brogan make an appearance in the episode? How about Sandy Grungerson?

Serious question- what's with the parenthetical in your signoff? And why do you even have a signoff?

Huh? The show literally just spent the last four episodes resolving an unnecessary plot arc that rehashed the same theme that's been covered half a dozen times already. Not all the episodes were bad, but there's been absolutely no forward momentum since dealing with the termites.

If there were zombies, they wouldn't have had time to knife-scrawl a complete sentence into wood. It doesn't make much sense that Gabriel would be able to keep even a small group of desperate people from busting in. A bit poorly-thought out on the part of the writers, but forgivable for now.

Everyone who has commented on this site thinks Bob was bitten. In addition to that, everyone anywhere who has eyes and saw the episode thinks Bob was bitten. So you probably aren't the only one who thinks that, no. :)

Cannibals have got it rough in the zombie apocalypse. Keeping the group alive has nothing to do with the meat going bad. They've gotta cook them while they are alive or else they are eating zombies, which is presumably both gross and bad for your health.