1) Mr. Campbell, you need to know that using “retarded” in a pejorative sense is not OK.
1) Mr. Campbell, you need to know that using “retarded” in a pejorative sense is not OK.
I don’t think hoping to make a reasonable wage is, to use your eloquent term, retarded. These employees weren’t necessarily interested in opening a brewery; they’re retail workers whose pay was cut seemingly overnight.
Bah ... see ... who needs regulation?!!!! No one! Companies will always do what’s best for customers .. because they love us! And the “free” market will of course take care of everything! Fuck yeah!
ahhh yes.....**looks at America in 2018** we should definitely put more things to a national, popular vote.
“John” is an accepted name in our society, as are literally thousands of other possible names. “Abcde” is not. It just isn’t.
Nobody is ridiculing the child, we are ridiculing the parent. Stop trying to eliminate shame from our world, we won’t be better off without it.
Seriously, if the damn flight attendant is laughing, what the hell is this kid’s life going to be like in middle school? School children are evil. To quote John Mulaney “They will get to the thing you don’t like about you.”
Naming your children to be fodder for school yard bullies should count as child abuse. Then again, given the state of the US education system and the resulting widespread illiteracy, perhaps abcde is as far as the parents manage to get while learning the alphabet.
“They set their child up for a lifetime of explaining their name to EVERYONE they meet. They will likely have to preface every interaction that involves spelling their name with “and yes, this is really how it’s spelled”.”
I would settle for a judge ordering the mother to change the kid’s name to something normal, AND changing her own name to Abcde.
I assume everyone is making fun of the mother.
How is laughing at seeing a first name that is the first five letters of the alphabet making fun of a child? The kid didn’t pick that name.
I don’t want to get too judgemental but maybe mom should have been an adult and not named their kid Abcde. There’s lots of idiocy out there, people should avoid it is what I’m saying.
Gives her child a stupid-ass name.
Maybe don’t name your child something moronic if you don’t want yourself (and your child) ridiculed for the rest of their life. And this from a guy who named his son after his favorite Top Gear presenter.
This woman needs to have her child taken away from her for the child’s sake.
Now that the Proud Boys have been designated an extremist group by the FBI maybe the Texas State Bar will see fit to pull this asshole’s license.
What a bunch of fuckin' dorks.