That Infiniti still looks like a turd.
I miss when every other article wasn’t ragebait.
Nah. I don’t mind a muddy or dusty look after a trip off-road (my 80 is at work in the parking lot right now covered from a weekend thing) but it doesn’t really look better. It just has a look. I much prefer it clean, but I don’t mind it dirty either. As far as winter dirty? No. No car looks better covered in road…
This is dirty hippy talk.
I can hear you naysayers now in my comments, talking about how a clean car means you take care of your things and how if a car is dirty you’re ruining the paint. Let me just say this: shut up. I do not care. Life is too short to worry about the perfection of your paint on your soft-roader SUV. Spend your time and…
7 years ago the pickings were slim, sure. In 2025, there are definitely other EVs.
Nope. I picked up a polestar 2 in 2021. It was better in many ways. Chief among them, it did not put a dime in Musks pocket.
But not a peep when China shut’s his factory down in Shanghai.
Trump doesn’t know anything about South Africa. This is 100% shadow president Musk pulling the strings.
I’m a retired design engineer, so i knew almost immediately. Musk couldn’t engineer his way out of a paper bag.
I believe you mean “Phony Stark”
At this point, if you’re driving a Tesla, you’re actively promoting a criminal.
You knew Donald Trump when he was a kid?
Actually, I think it was the year before that, when Musk came up with the Boring Co. Flamethrower gambit.
For anyone having trouble accessing that link, remove the trailing apostrophe from the URL.
I have personally never been a fan. The whole over promise and under deliver while being rewarded has always rubbed me the wrong way.
The “Paypal Mafia” link to the Guardian story is definitely worth the read. It’s no wonder Leon is a Nazi shit ass now, he’s always been one.
If anyone just looked at his business history, up to and including him forcing Tesla at falsely call him a founder of the company, then they knew all of the warning signs were there. I sure did. He always seemed off in a way that made my stomach turn. And he just kept proving more and more how my gut instinct was…