
Ok, I mean yeah earlier people were heavily implying perma-death for companions, but even then I was thinking there’s no fucking way they’d do that just because of how they can affect gameplay. It’s just bad design to take away some of the things they can offer if you just botch one mission.

About point number 3 I’ll just say this. Ever since I played MGS3 I’ve been wanting an open environment with that gameplay style. You know a game that actually makes doing side stuff in the world (like blowing up enemy weapon sheds and food stores) usefull (in MGS3 it was usually more work then benefit you’d get since

Even then the original MGS had that to a degree. I mean it has a scene where a sadist tortures Snake only because he finds it fun, and he gives you the option to surrender but threatens to (and will) kill a supporting character if you do.

Oh yeah, this is running on the dedicated servers too. I guess that lag and host advantage (which can HIGHLY affect sniping) are less of an issue now.

Pretty much always in the original. The sniper was a power weapon for a reason. Active reloads for instant downs and head shots for instant kills. Sniper was always good if the wielder could use it well.

Correct. Kickstarter works like this. You pledge an amount, you can retract that pledge up until the project finishes, but once it finishes they get that money IF it reached the funding goal (if it doesn’t your pledge is automatically cancelled and no one gets anything).

I have two things to say, Other M and Zelda CD-i games.

Really? For me it’s about an even split. For multiplatform I want to get MGSV, Fallout 4, Mad Max, and Rock Band. For XB1 I want to get Halo 5, Rare Collection, Gears 4, and Gears remastered.

Rewatch the video for it. You can see part of the logo on the left side of the screen.

Yeah, it has very solid game design. You hear people try to belittle the game by calling it stuff like “whack a mole with guns” but that’s if you just play it at it’s most simple level. It’s like saying Starcraft is just clicking things or every fighting game is mashing buttons.

I care. My 360 is prone to overheating. Why buy another one if this works?

It’s for me. I still have a bunch of 360 games I haven’t played and my 360 is prone to overheating now.

Sure, this time include games that have times that aren’t achieved by crazy glitches (that can take hours of practice to be able to do reliably in some cases) or games that have times that don’t require more time research and preplanning than the actual speedrun.

Oh man, and the video description says that’s on hard. For anyone who hasn’t played this, the guards have pretty realistic sight range on hard mode. If you’re not crawling and their head faces you then they pretty much will see you if you can see them.

Yep same. I mean just running main game and side ops once will get you an alright play time. Trying to unlock the weapons, get all the achievements, and find some cool easter eggs (try extracting people like the contact in the mission where you have to get the tapes) will take awhile.

But your not “supposed to” you can sure, but the game doesn’t tell you to do it. I mean I play the game doing that as little as possible. I went on one free roam “rampage” because I was testing out how gasoline works (like what happens if you make a flaming trail across the road and such).

Now I haven’t been following the game because I have no interest in it, but the early trailers and information seemed to imply you are supposed to be killing anyone, people not fighting and such.

Not sure if it’s changed. But I had a teacher who worked at a publisher and he said something like (it’s been awhile so I may be slightly off) they send in highlight reels and lists of the most potentially objectionable content to get rated on. If they misrepresent or leave anything out then they have to do it again

Sure they have it, but that isn’t he entire goal of the game.

Well, context is important. In most Contras aren’t those people soldiers who are working for or controlled by some weird aliens who are up to something bad?