I know there’s zero chance of this but, man, what I wouldn’t give for a sweet deal in a Switch Pro Controller!
I know there’s zero chance of this but, man, what I wouldn’t give for a sweet deal in a Switch Pro Controller!
I know there’s zero chance of this but, man, what I wouldn’t give for a sweet deal in a Switch Pro Controller!
I know there’s zero chance of this but, man, what I wouldn’t give for a sweet deal in a Switch Pro Controller!
I actually think he’s one of the toughest fights in the game. Really, everything after that can be handled by a little grinding if difficult. Gascoigne hits you when you really can’t realistically level out of his difficulty.
I don’t know thing one about helicopters and I THOUGHT it looked a bit iff.
True. It’s why launching the DS with Mario 64 was such a big deal. Not to mention the initial hacking of the PSP was mostly useful as a way to play PS1 games on the go.
Doom was made using a super scaleable engine. Its far from a miracle that it’s running on the Switch.
J uat hit up the Switch Reddit page. There are equal numbers of people day it’s either graphically mind blowing or a total turd.
Switch 2, maybe.
This is the first I’m hearing about Titanfall 3 being a thing. Is this a scoop or did I just miss it?
My first thought about all this was that games graphics don’t really matter like they used too. To the majority that is. The truth is that all games look great. Gone are the days when you could see all the graphics on screen. Now there’s a million beautiful wonderful looking things in every game that we won’t even…
Wow. I lost Turok 2 saves thanks to it. Really didn’t k ow it was a widespread problem.
This seems like the kind of outside the box thinking Gamestop needs. It also sounds like a great idea.
I’m sure there will be one. Cheaper to make. Lighter. Longer battery. Even if there’s no cosmetic difference.
I can’t remember the last FIGHTING game I was this excited about!
The you-want-more-options-then-go-somewhere-else argument doesn’t seem like one a company in distant 2nd should be embracing.
To make it a home console and a portable some concessions had to be made. I’m not a huge fan of the joy cons but you mostly get used to them, both docked and otherwise.
It’s the world itself that’s boring me in Breath of the Wild. I’ve probably put 50 hours ino it and I still can’t say I love it. I like it, I don’t hate it, but I definitely don’t love it.
Doom 64?
How is the video quality? I’ve never actually tried any of these retro consoles but I do remember Virtual Console games being really blurry. Should I expect the same thing here?
Plus the buy-in is fairly low. I got mine over a year ago and only payed 20 then. I’ve seen it for much less since.
I’ve had my Switch for about as long and I’m in the same boat. I’ve also got Mario Kart 8 and have downloaded a bunch of demos but haven’t played almost any thing at all besides Zelda.