Do play Bloodborne. It’s not for everyone but almost everyone should at least give it a shot. It’s the most fun I’ve had this generation.
Do play Bloodborne. It’s not for everyone but almost everyone should at least give it a shot. It’s the most fun I’ve had this generation.
I’m not-hating-but-not-loving Star Trek Discovery. But one of the (ehhh, many) things I DONT like is the intro. It’s bland and considering the rich history of Star Trek themes, I have a hard time with that.
No, it’s not the same. Nintendo isn’t as concerned with how fans tell them they want things. Can you imagine what would happen if Sony was making a PSOne classic? It would have on it the games they thought people wanted, not the ones they thought people should have.
Really hoping we get this demo on the eshop.
Isn’t this just SO Nintendo? They cant make a great thing and than give people options; they have to force people to enjoy the thing the WAY they think is best. See, Splatoon.
I totally agree. Plus I’m typically hard to please so I really couldn’t tell you why I didn’t hate it.
I actually didn’t hate it. Though, of course I’d admit it’s not good.
Yes. Yes I do.
I don’t see a Gameboy Classic Mini making enough sense. Mostly because the screen is SO ugly compared to what’s on the lowest end cell phones that I don’t think anyone would want one.
I was just thinking the other day about how much I’d like to have Portal 2 on my PS4. I’ll add TOB to the list for sure.
So I guess that means we know there was an uptick of 1000 shipped units (give or take) since the NES...
Isn’t the Nintendo World Championship today?
I started Breath if the Wild a week or so ago. I’d bet I’ll still be playing it well I to next year.
I used to hoard books myself. Now, unless it’s a digital copy, it just seems like waaaaay too much effort.
I work with a guy that’s got a massive Sons of Anarchy tattoo on his arm. Is he a racist? Yeah, there’s definitly some of that.
I’m loving my Switch, in part, cuz of how busy I am this weekend. I’ll be able to squeeze in some Zelda far more easily than if I had it for Wii U for example.
I’d imagine these games all look kind of blurry on a modern, HD tv. Are my imaginings correct?
Final Fantasy VII is my all-time favorite game and I hated AC.
I got a Switch right after it launched. I had it for two weeks and then realized I couldn’t afford it. So it went back.
If someone really wants one and doesn’t care about the price there’s always QVC. There is a definite price increase but they are good about breaking up payments. It’s kind of their thing.