
Happy SNS from Sheela the Irish Wolfhound.

But what if the other woman IS a licensed doctor?

I just don’t get people who don’t think abortion is a consequence. When those people spill milk on the floor, do they leave it til it molds? No, they clean it up. When they get diabetes, do they wait for gangrene to take their limbs? No, they take insulin. Abortion IS a consequence. Abortion is not fun. But it many

You’re not getting it.

Nice freshman comp essay, though a tad unoriginal. Most of us are past that now, though. Women have the right to control their own bodies and make their own moral and ethical decisions about how to do so. They don’t need your two-bit moralizing about compromise. End of story.

This is vitals, it’s a health and medicine site, not lifehacker.

Jesus is what got us into this dark world where women have to rely on instructions from other women instead of from a licensed doctor.

Under his eye, Ofgizmodo.

Fuck that, she’s not even being subtle. Have her download a Lyft app.

Yes, we can expect you not to be self-absorbed monsters. Is that truly too high a bar for you, to give a crap about anyone other than yourself for 5 minutes? That is sad.

If the shoe fits...

My takeaway from this is that Trump is totally into Twilight.

I will never ever ever see this movie. There aren’t enough nevers and evers for me to express just how emphatic I feel about not seeing this movie.

Ok, shelter worker here:

I’m going to take a slightly different tack than other commenters’ (although my basic advice is going to wind up being close to ad infinitum’s) and say that I think *you* really need to learn a lot more about canine behavior. This is almost certainly not a dominance issue, and whatever caused it, you running after

In the short term, when she gets out of quarantine you shouldn’t let her out of the house without a muzzle. And it would be better to walk her and your other dog separately so you can devote your full attention to keeping hold of her. Walking her very early in the morning or late at night when few other people or dogs

“She has been nippy after children”

Yeah, I feel you. Who would want a human child when they could have a far superior, far cuter, puppy? But sometimes you don’t know that right away, and then you’re in it for 18 years, and the kid knows virtually no cute tricks, and takes forever to housebreak. And finding someone to board the kid when you want to go

You down with D&C? (Yeah you know me)

Trump is very heavily medicated. Low energy. Raspy voice. Sad!