I'm going to be blunt.
Look, I get your complete disdain for the wedding industrial complex. I also think it makes people very stupid. However, your scapegoating of an individual like she's some sort of Typhoid Mary is really getting disturbing. If she had flown to Ohio for, let's say, a funeral of her beloved father, would you be as…
No. Ignoring it won't help anyone.
Um, no. Ebola cannot be transmitted by flies. That's...that's not how it works.
Hey, the truth hurts. You cannot be opposed to marriage equality and also be a decent human being. Sorry. If you're opposed to it, you're a waste of oxygen.
And I think people on the other side of the fence are objectively fucking wrong, not to mention homophobic pieces of shit. Fuck anyone opposed to marriage equality.
Coincidence: Wendy Williams wants Jennifer Lawrence to shut up? FluterDale wants Wendy Williams to shut up.
Gonna go out on a limb and say JLaw sides with Fluter for this one.
Iraqi children are on the same level as horses.
As a woman with a name that used to be traditionally male, who is the daughter of a woman whose name is still exclusively male, I bite my thumb at you.
They gave her one 'traditional' boys name and one 'traditional' girls name. What the F is the problem here? That the child has been given options while it is still young enough to not know it might want them? Why is everyone so protective of kids bucking traditional gender roles when they get old enough to get bullied…
Dead food will also be eaten even if the guest has a bite or two of it because you're in the middle of a double, didn't get a chance to eat because the entire city came in around the time you were supposed to go on break and you got tripled sat along with picking up the entire patio because the "down time" servers…
Yes, lejre. It's not exactly ruins but just indentations in the ground. How generous of you to "give" me that one.
space jam is a documentary so everything you learned was on point.
This obviously unwanted patron is also wearing a skull cap/do rag. And presumably he is a Cardinals fan so he's also violating the no sports jersey commandment.
Correct me if I'm wrong because all of my Michael Jordan knowledge comes from Space Jam but I feel that he is an infinitely classier man than Hulk Hogan anyway.
I was an event coordinator and was witness to a bunch of taffeta draped train wrecks.
I understand what you're saying, but there's a point at which you can — and should — just walk away. I was raised in DC, and I'm still rabidly loyal to all the other DC teams. But a couple of years ago, despite all of the time I'd spent on football, I walked away from it. I can't support or root for a team with such a…
i would stab their feet with the nearest pointy implement repeatedly until they learned their lesson. i have no tolerance for anyone's feet. god, i want to die just thinking about being in that seat.