Oh my God, be ready for random commenters who think you're serious and don't realize the allusion to the swastika bun post.
Oh my God, be ready for random commenters who think you're serious and don't realize the allusion to the swastika bun post.
But I mean, the word Nazi has such a long a storied history that has nothing to do with Adolf Hitler. Shouldn't we just try to take it back? With pasta? So that no one has to feel threatened by it?
Waitwaitwait, you're telling me Embarrassing White Person Dancing is not a legitimate genre??? I guess I'd better forget about opening up that dance academy. And I'd just finished lesson plans on Strobe Lights Always Make You Look Awesome and What To Do With Your Hands When You Have No Idea What To Do With Your Hands.…
Oh, I thought that's where she was attempting to pioneer Embarrassing White People Dancing as a legitimate genre.
If you are indeed mocking other pop stars, Taylor, I say this:
My then-18 month old brother once summoned half of the city's police department (we lived in a pretty small city), plus a SWAT team, to our house because he'd managed to pull a chair up to the security panel and started pressing buttons, activating the house's panic alarm. They came up to the front door, guns drawn,…
Not food related, but my favorite of my own dumb criminal experiences was when I worked at Best Buy many moons ago. I worked in the Home Theater department and the register for that department was in what we nicknamed the "dark alley" of the store — it was set all the way in the back corner and surrounded by large TV…
Since this story is not funny in any way, let's all remember the time University of Kansas Defensive End Dion Rayford got himself wedged, Winnie the Pooh-style, in a Taco Bell drive-thru window.
The romantic wine thief reminds me of toddler afemininemistake. My dad is a trauma surgeon and was a resident when I was little so he was never home. I called 911 not once, but three times just knowing that I could talk to daddy because you call 911 for sick people and daddy fixes sick people. Such reason. Wow.
Shocker: they're pretty sure Lang was drunk the whole time.
The internet: where you can get yelled at simultaneously for being pro and anti-rabbit because of the same article!
Freedom of religion...unless I don't like your religion.
The article is about people who object to the rabbits being sold for food. It's literally in the headline.
So the Bunny Lobby is raising hare over this?
You do realize that it's unhealthy for a species to be overpopulated? It is literally bad for the deer. Since we stupidly, inhumanely eradicated their natural predators, the appropriate thing to do is issue hunting licenses based on the degree of overpopulation as determined by forestry researchers on a year by year…
Very important point, particularly regarding seafood. There's a fantastic app from the Monterey Bay Aquarium to help you determine whether a seafood dish is sustainable to eat. As I remarked on the shark article, I will always miss eating the shark I enjoyed as a child before the populations changed. But it is no…
Wait until you have a garden destroyed by deer and rabbits. Those hoppity SOBs destroyed our beans this year. I have no problem with them being et.
"they provide ford for many a carnivore."
Just so everyone knows, I'm not the one who followed Bumblecat, but Bumblecat is absolutely my favorite commenter in the history of all time. For thos who disagree—-REND THEM BUMBLECAT.