
The child sex ring in Comet Ping Pong was cover for a cloning lab! #lockherup

Oh God, please please please sue this asshole into oblivion please please please....

As a side note, Iron City is undrinkable piss in any form.  Even Lone Star is better. 

Trump would flinch and cower if you even moved toward his soft, flabby person in a threatening manner. I’m not really into the posthumous McCain hagiography, but he endured more during a single week in Hanoi than Trump has in his entire fucking life; the fact that Trump can get a pass for looking down his nose at

Colorado legitimately lost twice that season, in addition to a tie. So, no.

So you could say his 50% approval rating is...FAKE NEWS!

I question how “close” the Panthers were to winning the Super Bowl. It was nowhere near as close as 24-10. If Denver ‘d had anything more than Peyton Manning’s decaying corpse behind center getting dragged around Weekend at Bernie’s-style by his team, we would’ve had a 34- or even 41-10 stomping on our hands.

We know the employer here is Wake Forest, right?

As a veteran I’d just like to say these owners are being fucking stupid.

Stranglehold is indeed dope, you. So dope that I forget what an enormously toxic piece of shit Nugent is for a couple of minutes whenever it comes on. But I always remember and switch to another channel, where the music might be from people who are just as horrible but are at least less transparent about it.

True (and very recent) story:

Hasn’t anyone around here ever watched Star Blazers?

I don’t care that UNC doesn’t regard NC State as a true rival. The Wolfpack’s win at Chapel Hill (an event so rare I can count the number of times it’s occurred in my 35 years as a State fan on one hand) was delicious anyway.

I don’t know the articles in question (haven’t frequented AICN in three or four years now), but if it’s coherent, it can’t be Knowles.

The Art of the Deal:

For years, I have fostered the opinion that, outside of his considerable football acumen, Tom Brady is actually rather stupid.

Seriously, what the fuck is up with this guy and his need to pose with every piece of legislation he signs?

No question. In any company like NBC, just about anyone would have to fill out a facilities request to get something like this put in, unless because he was MATT LAUER he could get whatever he wanted by just saying so...or he put it in himself.

Full disclosure, I’m not the author, it was copied and pasted exactly as written from last year’s post.