
I didn’t take it seriously, but thought it was trashy fun. I’d watch it again.

I loved Annihilation, thought it was absolutely fantastic. Some stories wield ambiguity skillfully, while others use it as a crutch—’We can’t figure this out, so here you go!’ This was definitely the former for me. It’s been on my rewatch list for awhile but I haven’t gotten back to it. This article is making it more

Came to say the exact same thing! The overall slickness of Doctor Who from Eccelston-onward (I realize it’s gotten even slicker in recent years) has kept me at an arm’s length from it, even as I thought the actors portraying the Doctor have been uniformly excellent.

On the way out of Part Two I remarked to my friend that Lynch’s take was the high school version of the story...this was the graduate school version.  I still love the Lynch film in all of its goofy glory, but this is another level.  Hard-core cinema.  I found it brilliant. 

I agree - one of the greatest things about the original film is that the Jedi were just one cool thing among many. 

While I didn’t love the film’s take on Shaddam IV or Alia, everything else was pretty much a home run for me.  And those parts that didn’t work were so small, they were easy to overlook. 

Call me crazy (you wouldn’t be the first) but I feel like Zendaya might be worthy of some consideration for Dune Part Two as well.

We Are All Going to the World’s Fair was chilling? OK. It’s fair to say my mileage varied.

Exactly. It’s not as if Greta Gerwig received zero votes for Best Director; we’ll never know, but I’d be willing to bet she received quite a lot.

My thought exactly.  Ian Ziering was playing a high school student (not altogether convincingly, but still) at what, 32?

It’s brilliant, rich, rewarding...and yet I don’t want to watch too much of it at once, not to ration it out, but rather not to start feeling too close to the characters. The last time I watched 4 episodes at a stretch I came away still in awe of the show’s brilliance but actually feeling a little bad—I’d immersed

The climax of ‘Earthshock’ flat-out blew me away back in the day, so I won’t lie, I got a little choked up at the mention of Adric when the two Doctors were talking.

My 12-year-old loved it (I know it’s PG-13 but hell I saw Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in theaters in ‘84, it’s fine) but I nearly fell asleep in the last 20 minutes. It doesn’t pay too much to think about the plot (how in the hell does the cop have so much time to hang out? Why didn’t she turn her father

I remember watching X-Files with no lights on, as the Barenaked Ladies said. Once upon a time (roughly ‘95 - ‘96) this show was on a scorching-hot roll, just cranking out killer episode after killer episode, on both the MOTW and Mythology fronts. Within the last few years I’ve revisited the Duane Barry eps (Scully’s

I love Timothy Olyphant, think he’s great, but this was the right move. None of the Kelvin universe films are particularly good—Beyond is the best by a goodish margin, but still well short of what it could’ve been—but I’ve always felt Chris Pine was essentially perfect as Kirk.

Yes. I’m old-school Who. I’ve seen a bit of each from Eccelston on, and I think the actors have all been good! I think each one has put their own interesting and engaging take on the Doctor—which is exactly what should be done, Hartnell wasn’t Troughton who wasn’t Pertwee, etc.

Alien is probably my favorite film of all time but there hasn’t been a good movie featuring the Xenomorph since 1986 (and yes, I’m aware that Alien3 exists - I’ve seen it multiple times, including both major versions--at best it’s an interesting failure, though a failure nonetheless) so I’d say Alvarez has his work

I watched yesterday for the first time in a long time, and it is a LOT dumber of a movie than I recall. But it leans into that. It’s supposed to be largely a fun pop adventure, albeit with a lot of destructive spectacle (and implied death) mixed in.

It was OK. Felt disjointed and pretty stitched-together storywise in a way the original trilogy never did. I liked some of the ideas and the nostalgic feel of seeing an aged Indy, a character I first encountered at around 10 years old. But there’s an undeniable hollowness to it...I have a hard time seeing this movie

Fantastic movie. Deserves every bit of its huge hit status. It does everything a strong sequel should do: take the world of the first film and expand upon it...in this case it thoroughly and completely opens it up in thrilling and fascinating new directions, doubling- and tripling-down on everything Into the