
Scaramucci, Scaramucci, will you do the fandango?

FWIW, Metallica’s sound was actually pretty stellar, particularly given the scale of the show.

I’ve been to a fair number of concerts in my time, and last Sunday’s Metallica show was the loudest I’ve even been to.


Animals, Dark Side, Meddle.

Fatigue with Federer’s dominance, which was already well underway by the time Nadal was truly showing his potential. Nadal proved that SOMEONE could break Federer’s stifling dominance, even if it was only at the “weird” Slam. Then Nadal proved he could, with right breaks, beat Federer elsewhere too, if not as

Exactly. This means he broke his opponent at least once in EVERY SINGLE SET throughout the tournament.

Yeah, going in I would’ve put money on a five-setter. It had that look.

Without a few injuries it’s very possible we’d be calling Nadal the GOAT right now and not Federer. He owned Federer on clay and had developed the game to beat him on other surfaces too. At worst Nadal is top 3 all time.

Charge then passed on to Cobb County taxpayers.

Dick Cheney is one of most evil pits of humanity to ever disgrace the earth. I don’t see Ailes as being too far behind.

Lock him up! Lock him up!

Fuck you, Tim Lee!!

I believe they mean anyone who doesn’t think Barack Obama was an atrocity (me) and / or doesn’t drool all over themselves like Pavlov’s dogs at the very mention of Donald Trump (me, again).

Batman Begins was better than The Dark Knight.

Fuuuuuuucckkkk, this guy should be peeking out of the wastebin of political history right now. He was thisclose to getting fired by his own state! Instead he’s one bad hair plug procedure from the Oval Office.

Best case possible for Tiger now is to pull a Fred Couples and now and then be hanging around on the leaderboard during round 2-3 before pulling the el foldo and sinking like a stone.

The most obvious difference (to me) is that the person dead center in the top photo sucks horribly.

Trump called his bluff on that goddamn MAGA hat in the locker by actually winning, or else Hillary did by choking the election away.

Please please please let some of these creatures get hauled before a judge and get convicted, even if only for community service.