
“A new promo picture of Felicity holding one of Curtis Holt’s T-Spheres has been released by the show’s facebook page.”

Leave it to the Japanese to show how it’s done. Their country was devastated and look 5 years after.

I didn’t see it as a snub. I just thought she felt Rey’s pain, and wanted to console her. It felt natural to me, since she’d seen it with Luke before. So I accepted that.

So you’re saying he couldn’t bear the drama.

In his house at R’yleh, dead Cthulhu waits shredding.

You should never cook a fridge. But if you do, consider adding a little salt and paprika for maximum flavor.

You are suggesting either A) use only spices that are easy to grow or B) replace your entire spice cabinet with homegrown spices. You do realize these are ridiculous suggestions? I have a massive garden and I dry my herbs at the end of each season but I’m not growing/harvesting/drying a year’s worth of black pepper

No I like new generation pokemon.

You what i would REALLY love from Pokémon? Random color-generation. I know it sounds really weird - especially since we’re all attached to the idea of static designs (shiny being our only alternative) - but i would love for that to happen. I don’t like hunting for EV’s or natures or whatever they call all that jazz,

Alright, I’ll take the hate. Mad Max Fury Road is not that great of a movie. It’s smart for a blockbuster ‘splosion-fest, but it’s not actually all that smart. It HAS an ecological gimmick, but it doesn’t say anything about it. It HAS a sexist main hero and strong women, but it doesn’t really say anything about

What will happen if you try to send Missingno?

Really? I didn’t notice. I expected at least a look of a city/town or the environment.

You have clearly never played Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness.

Dammit. That’s an “X” and a “D”, not an emoticon. Wait... did they... did they do that intentionally?

It was to be expected, whatever the NX is, it’d be too young anyway at the time these are released (or it’d not be released at all yet), not enough of a userbase yet, and the New 3DS isn’t getting any huge-selling exclusives like this.

OMG spoiler warning, don’t you know that people like this goof

I think the point was that the detail that became visible from the whitening wasn’t supposed to be there in the original print. Much in the same way shadows are used to add dramatic effect.

Fran best girl. Period.

I will be one to admit, at the end of the day, if I lived in that world, I would not mind, nor would I care. I would be too busy being a Pokemon Master and catching them all.

The answer is simple. The world of pokemon is an advanced real-world testing environment for highly advanced genetically engineered weapons of war. Non-lethal battles reveal the most powerful and useful weapons for use in galactic conflict, and prove pokemon loyalty to humanity. The people of the pokemon world are not