
Cecilia, you write about all the right things.

lol. I’m for it.

You weren’t tricked into reading it. The headline was clear. Also, I think this very well fits in Kotaku since I would put fan art and art in general an Otaku interest. How about just click on the ones you want to read about next time and leave the rest to us.

Same here. My team will be chock full of fire/ghost/dark pokemon but I’m getting Sun lol.

But his Pikachu isn’t from Alola

Well...Team Skull ladies are pretty. Plumeria is hot. Still, don’t know if I’ll play, boy or girl. Show us customizable outfits!!!

Mannnnn, there’s gonna be way too many fire and ghost type pokemon on my team.


Not sure if you’re trying to mock me or just saying that yourself...

A Tactical Espionage Rhythm Action RPG Visual Novel.

I really hope that isn’t Litten’s final evolution. It could have been some cool fire cat/tiger/monster thing. Please, not a stupid anthropomorphic cat.

But the secrets! The Power! It should be ours!!

No, you don’t, but I’m sure they give some incentive to pay the streamer. I’m not one who watches streamers but if I liked watching someone enough I’d pay for them to keep streaming.

Damn, I almost had you.

They get paid because people buy tickets to watch them play.

Do you watch sports?

This is how the world should embrace us!

Seriously though, can someone at Kotaku play New Leaf with me? I need a bridge built damn it!

Well not official tourneys....but still...it’s a legit system to battle on!

*raises hand* I’ll eat flavored Oreos anywhere!