

Wii U or 3DS or both?

Can someone play Animal Crossing New Leaf with me?

Damn...wateva! fyre fo lyfez!

fyre scorches all.

It’s actually an ancient demonic Pokemon spell that summons Mimikyu.

Welp...I thought I’d wait for the next one but I guess I know what game I’m buying again next.

I think Mimikyu is one of my new favorite Pokemon. Come here Mimikyu, meet your friends Ghastly, Haunter, Gengar and Charizard.

Everyone’s shooting at him and all he wants to do is cross Japan without having to go around.

I only almost picked it because it had a triangle and I love triangles but the color threw me off.

I dunno what Valor trainers you’ve come across but, all the ones I know are anti-trump.

Great movie. Great response.

You’ll be all red when you’re dead.

I’ve seen this attempt to make two Mystic teams.

Sounds like my High School life. Hated and unpopular for no reason.

Unacceptable. Team Instinct can not hold Area 51. Can we get some Valor trainers up there please!

Correct answer. Based Valor!

But the important question is which side did you choose....

I can’t watch either one =(

This will be our customization option in the game. Costumes for Mimicyu! It can mega evolve into some badass shadow type Pokemon.