I don’t think I can ever be awesome enough to do stuff like that.
I don’t think I can ever be awesome enough to do stuff like that.
Dream come true!
Any idea what the push notifications are?
What a time to be alive!
I’d prefer they gave me the option to link my gmail and pokemon trainer account. I signed in with my google account at first because I was too excited.
I’m a cat owner and I approve this message.
Smash bros for my best friend’s birthday and Bravely Second New Game +. Waiting for MH:G on the 30th.
The Fall Equinox isn’t until the 22 so, summer is basically until the 21st od September.
I know. I’m just dying of anticipation. I wish they’d have their direct about it already.
Love the artwork and premise. Want.
I literally couldn’t sleep trying to decide whether I should buy Wii U for Twilight Princess. However, if Amiibo will still work then I shall continue my small collection.
Does anyone know if I’ll be able to play twilight princess on NX? I really don’t want to get a Wii U since I just want the NX...Actually has there been news if Amiibo work on the NX??!?! AHHHHH
Isn’t that massive ship the Citadel?
But can it come to 3DS?
You win the latin internet for the day!
Is SE going to force me to buy a PlayStation again?
This one is on the bicyclist. You’ve got to be an idiot to think you’re casually going to cross that street.
My hardest decision will be whether I want to be a 10 year old boy or a 10 year old girl.
I wish this could be on 3DS.