As they said, 5th form the bottom.
As they said, 5th form the bottom.
One of these reminds me of Z.O.E. and now I really want a new Z.O.E.
It’s really not a matter of choice...I can’t stop...
Yeah, ATDI is awesome and I stuck with Tricot cause they remind me of them but more of a continuation of that. If you get me...
I’m here from Kotaku and I think that guy’s a shitbag. I also think you’re not so great for automatically thinking everyone from Kotaku has high pitched whiny voices. Mine is normal!
Yes! I know about them as well and listen to them all the time! Great band!
They’re so good! I’ve been listening to their whole discography all week! Anyone have any other recommendations similar to tricot?
Finally...there is no end.
Bravely Second! If anyone wants to add me let me know! FC 2896-0770-5498
What did I just watch?
Based off the record player and kodak film reel used to make your combos, I’d say they’re all hipsters from 1999...if that’s possible....
Wasn’t fond of the music but damn, would I like to play that.
Can you choose different audio for the voice overs or is it stuck in English? I like the game, I just don’t like the English voice actors.
Disney should buy and have Lucas Films produce it.
I thought all its replies were correct. Are you guys not seeing what we’re seeing!?!?!
I don’t play Minecraft but, HOLY CRAP I WANT THIS.
What?!?! FFIX had 2 player support?!?!?!? Damn, wish I’d known...not that I had anyone to play with back then...but still.