
That’s cause “The future is now!” blah blah blah anything’s possible with science! Cleamantic (Citronic) gear on!

Can we get an update!!?!?


LOL. Aw man...now that’s ruined...


We all cried in the theater together.

Added! Though I'm only playing omega ruby for now. Mostly got it since I don't get much time to play console games at home anymore. Also waiting for the fire emblem fates.

Nah I don't have it but I've added you.


just added you as well

Just got myself into 3DS again and bought Omega Ruby to hold me off till Fire Emblem Fates. I may try to get some time on Fallout 4 if the wife doesn’t want to watch stuff on the tv. If anyone wants to be friends on 3DS leave your friend code. Add me too if you’d like: 2896-0770-5498

Will FFTA be available on the 3DS? I'm getting one soon so sorry if this is a dumb question.

I was also surprised at first but figured this isn’t Ash’s Pikachu. Which is awesome to me! I love seeing the different personalities of Pokemon.

Not always the case...not always...the...case...

What are the odds of Pokemon becoming a major eSport? All these companies buying into eSports could take Pokemon to an awesome level. Get some VR tech and broadcast battles using AR or something.

These state-of-the-art Pokemon stadiums have force fields to protect audience members. Trainers have no such luck though.

I’ve been holding back from getting the anniversary 3DS but so many things keep pulling me in. However this....I’ll have to get back to my training.

I’m doing the Machete order but also excluding 2. I think 3 shows enough of the Anakin described by Ben Kenobi and then the transition to Vader. Another reason to exclude 2 is that I can’t handle super whiny/ stalker Anakin so much.

Didn’t want to be the one to bring it up haha

Appears so.