
Completely agree.

What am I suppose to attach to this??

What does “T” do?

After all his travels, Gary knew his calling was to keep pokemon trainer’s teeth clean and healthy for the road.

Charizard...just Charizard... and as someone else said in another reply, at this point Charizard can do whatever he wants.

I agree, but I suspect losing to that bomb may have hit a nerve.

MJ? Pepper? Friday? WHO IS THIS?

As was I...as was I.

Cut out paper fish or actual dead fish with X’s as eyes?


Awesome! I’ll add you when I get home!

Ah, I’ve used the lfg sites once in a while but when I do most people just leave after playing with me. I was actually just looking to make friends on Xbox one to play with when I wrote the post haha...Thanks for the reply though.

So...I’m a casual player but would like to try the Raids. I’m at lvl 40 and like 200 light. Anyone else a casual player and want to try them out? Or not a casual player and wouldn’t mind helping a Raid noob?

Sorry, I don’t think I understood. Can I remove the minifigs from the base plates and use them or not?

Came to say the same.

How do you do it to the jeep you’re in?

Where is this kickstarter?!?!

That’s cool and all but I want to know why D Dog don’t wear clothes...

Will attempt to beat MGSV to satisfaction before The Taken King comes. Then I’ll also try to beat Tomb Raider, since it’ll be free on Xbox later this month, before Rise of the Tomb Raider next month. Ugh the next four months will be rough. I feel sorry for my wife.

Wait wait wait. You can hang on to the stuff you fulton?? What happens to you?