
THIS is a dessert planet.

Won a losing game like this just the other day. We were out-leveled towards the end game, but managed to get two merc camps moving when they made their play against our core. Managed to take down their entire team while losing only one of our heros, pushed the merc lane and destroyed their core just as their respawns

Some people don't believe everything they read on the internet as fact, so generally when it comes to rumors those with common sense wait until something concrete comes along proving or disproving the rumor....But then again it only takes a tiny bit of common sense to not take the internet as the gospel

Pictured: Potato Marshal

undead invasion event.

if you like JRPGs then you owe it to yourself to play this one..........

Batman, The Dark Knight, and Detective Comics are very violent comics so this isn't really pushing boundaries. I remember when Batman shot his grappling hook through the Scarecrows jaw and out his mouth, got out of the hole he was thrown into, then ripped his hook out of the Scarecrows mouth thus ripping half of his

I submit that Sandshrew should be the new mascot. Much stronger than crappy old Pikachu.

Never forget.

Nah, she's kind of like Darth Vader in that regard. Somewhere in the deep recesses of your mind do you know that he is from Tatooine? Sure.

Dude, you need to watch the Shield.

Agreed about the article. It's always nice to have the conversation. It's hard to include every single ethnic background in games, but it certainly has come a long way. There are examples of black characters in video games that don't represent stereotypes (Roland as mentioned above and Lee from the Walking Dead), but

Hah, a fellow Armenian, I love it. And everyone knows Kardashian is Armenian, the name gives it away.

You also have System of a Down!

All the Star Wars comics from the Dark Horse goodbye sale!

Cheeky cunt.

Yes, my boss is looking at me funny as this really did make me lol