I fully admit it’s an opinion. Everything on here is an opinion.
I fully admit it’s an opinion. Everything on here is an opinion.
Gita: Did anyone else desperately want to fuck Spike, or was that just me?
Nah, the storytelling in animé has significantly decreased. 90% of it is based on some “power of friendship!” theme, or some fucked up version of what the main characters think love is.
The show doesn’t forget. It’s intentional. Julia is a representation of Spike’s world view: is he living in a dream, or not? It’s the same with Vicious. It’s about him coming to grips with that. If they just showed it to you all the time it would lose its meaning.
I cannot for the life of me understand how you don’t. The voice acting is perfect. It’s the only anime, other than DBZ, that I prefer in English.
John was instrumental in helping Starcraft II, casting, bringing gaming to a massively wider audience, helping people understand how the game industry works... I could go on.
That is part and parcel of it. so I halfway agree with you. BUT, there are many artists in this world have had their work passed over by people who instinctively said “this sucks” and then just kept doing what they’re doing and still became successful.
I feel like the best way to counter Palpatine is straight up coordination. Which is hard to get. Did you see the reddit post about EA supposedly wanting to drop the game? Hope that doesn’t happen.
I’m just curious as to how anyone expects John Travolta to give a normal response to this question? If anyone knows anything about his insanity then this is just a baiting question for clicks and tweets. Honestly, I think his response is pretty level headed considering how nutty he is.
I got totally wrecked for a bit while playing Rey last night. They reduced her attacking distance by a good amount and it took me a full two minutes to figure why I was getting rofl stomped. I do like that they made it a bit easier to roll out of saber users attacks. The stun locking was too real. Also glad for Luke…
Yeah, I jumped into the game several months ago and am actually having a lot of fun. I’m really good at HvV but shit at Galactic Assault. I have such a hard time seeing the opposing players for some reason. At night it’s fucking awful.
I’m a little over six feet tall. If I can’t get leg space, I’m definitely getting more head space, so excuse me while I recline all the fucking way back.
It’s 2018, who in our generation is assuming “forever” anymore?
...... yeah, and then he murdered Mara Jade. Don’t really consider that in the “just happens to fail” category. His change also started happening during the Yuuzhan Vong war, which plenty of people hate. Jacen also does a bunch of messed up shit before really turning to the dark side, like killing a criminal suspect…
I think what’s really fucked up is that we live in a world where we have the technology and brain power to not only figure this shit out, but to essentially never need to actually “work for a living.” But, on and on we go...
So no Legends EU for you, then?
I would fucking love that.
I’m just curious if you had a problem with the entire old EU then? Because that’s basically all it was, except for Tales of the Jedi.
Yeah, but JJ might retcon you in Episode IX, so I guess we’ll see... : (